El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

HE EL PASO TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1925. Truth Tlaa Poetry UNCOMMON SENSE th Year. EL PASO HMKS UMI'AXY By James J. Montague By John Blake necessary to bglo a submarine campaign against neutral shipping c( po-slbl French or German destination, they would soon find the United States enlisted on the slds of the "outlaw." Th human political mind of nations, not hav. Inf any tradition or set Instinct to follow In thli unprecedented emergency of a war being outlawed, would be In grave danger of taking the "outlawry" aa a free-for-all Invitation to enter the scrlmmsge, and of entering It along the path of the leant resistance, which are those of th greatest self-interest.

The Locarno conference em to have made CRANK POWr.KH. President 1 SIMMoNH. Vice Prcini nd PublUBar. JAMES 8 ULACK. Editor Enter th.

cut tha tongu and lead to Ktfcu troubl there. Ill health 1 th natural consequent. In many communities dental eara and manicuring ar on tha ami plana. He la considered a fop who Indulges extensively la either. Th fact ia.

however, many a Ufa ha been knrt from an Infected hangnail. Negleotad fingernail carry enough term to poison an army. But neglected teeth! They ra about a dangerous aa dynamite. If you have rheumatism, pain In Ilia Joints, obstinate neuralgia or neurit! and at th same tima bav a lot of had teeth, thert la just en answer. Within a margin of 19 or It per cent, you may be confident your trouule come from th teeth.

Periodical dental examination ar just a Important aa periodical medical examinations. Indeed, no medical examination la complete unlea It Includes an examination, an X-ray examination, of the teeth. Get rid of your bad teeth by proper treatment or extraction. MMCATION OtTK-lt- THK TIMtH BIDING PU Corner or t.n rmnne "'J "tivVh El Pa en. Tsx.

Addrera All Communications lo Th TiMt.8, ran. Member of the Associated P' Memt.er of AuOII Bureau of tlrculatlnna mnrh hettep heirinnlnr hv outlawlne. not all war. CARNATIONS SPEAKING OF BLUE nation a I. AO.hitTio i.n rt i A.no-1 but only warn of a certain character and for certnln l.

ni l. vv ia. 7. C. Chicago cause among apeclfled antagonists.

It obligation finta Vest nf ftocy Mmintsins- ft bidwell fompany rgn be violated, of course, and the day may come 5(2 Market ban i a ani lilrls Lo Anrele. Cat when they will be violated. But at leant they are obligation eo concretely atated, precedented, and eaaily grssped by the present psychology of nation, that no violation can occur without the PAYAPt.F. IN AOVA.NCB. I'v tarrmr In Arisons, California.

Mesico. New a1 Texas, rtaily and Sunday, lr week. By In Ar.aona. California. Mexico, New sun" 'me month tin Jl-J civilized world Instantly comprehending both the AXSWEBS TO HEALTH QUERIES.

H. R. Q. What will malt tha noes' cmaller without resorting to operation? A. I doubt If anything other than I 'a I 00 nnd Sunday c-; 00 lll.ull t.sliv nl Hunds or full year.

iir.ly CI I mrnths ii tin ti oo II III) iTsi sndreis in" full. Including county and r-ate. also trf-lr-ie. wh-n reqinrlrm change. Itemil nuney order, draft, or registered letter.

an operation would bring about ra- sulfa. I A. M. It Is tnjurlou for I person with a aervoua heart to lo- tiulge In outdoor sport i A. Not If taken In moderation.

HOW MUCH IS YOUR WORD WORTH? I recently heard two men talking In a railroad tnln. "I am going to buy a plec of property for 140.000 tomorrow," said one of them. "That'g a good deal of money. Hav you got It?" Inquired the other. "No.

but I will hav It tomorrow. A man who owes It to tne promised he would give It to ma then." "PromUed. eh? Well. It's easy to promise." "It's not easy for that man to promise. His word Is worth $40,000 to him any time.

That's why people lend him money, and why he has all tha credit at tha banks ha asks for. "If he were to fall ill tonight, he would arrange to send that money over. HI word la an asset" To a good business man his word Is worth as much aa he Is. lie is chary of making any promise that ha Is not absolutely sur he can perform. For that reason gets credit when he asks for it, and he receives consideration from any other business firm with which he want to deal.

If tha average person would regard hi word In the same light as tha business man regards hia there would be less disappointment and more mutual esteem In the world. Not long ago a well known theatrical producer said to me: "I am going to give my work to a new firm of scenic painters. The people who are doing it now were late a week on tha delivery of a set that I ordered." "Wera they so late that they delayed tha production?" "No, but they promised faithfully they would have the stuff two week ahead. If they couldn't keep that promise they will not keep a more important promise sometime. I can't afford to deal with people whose word is not worth anything." The valu of a man can gauged pretty accurately by th value of his word.

If he makes engagements without knowing that he will make any sacrifice to keep them. If he gives assurances that he will do omethlng he does not know whether or not he can perform, he 1 not to bs trusted. The masters of Important Industries secure signatures often as a matter of form. They know that the men with whom they make verbal contracts will live up to them. Recently a great American newspaper publisher died, leaving the control of his business in other hands.

He had made a number of oral commitments which his successors never questioned. They knew he was a man of his word, and that ha held that word sacred. And whether or not these commitments would have been to the Interest of the estate, they were rigidly adhered to. "Tell the truth and keep your word." is a maxim that was laid down long ago by a very wise man. Ho accumulated a fortune by Its practice coupled with ability.

And never did he retain In his employ a man who was not as careful to follow It as he was. nature of th breach and It open dtahonor. Thl 1 a mora practlcd arrangement than truatlng to th vague and windy emotionalism of the nation In th eauee of peace to "outlaw war" effectively, whatever It came and wherever It occur. Th ipeclflc pledge of Locarno are more likely to be kept than the universally generalized pledge the paclflata would Ilk to have aeen undertaken there. Through th hard labor of human experience they era the mora likely In the end to NOTK'KTO THK PUBLIC.

AM orders for n.er hun'liee or service for th account or the ill cover. by a refuWli sign l-y Wj lm.lt Manager The Time not hod i'M fur payment of purchases not niad) In tnli tr. or for COMPANY. Over-exertion, however, should ba avoided. E.

Q. What cause adhesions? A. Adhesions are banda of tissue, th result of Inflammation, or operation. When two Inflirrjcd or rsw aur-focea com In contact, thr I likely to union and th formation of le evnualvelr entttlei to cue uee We are delighted with our lot, Much joy in life wo find, But pity us, for we have not The" scientific mind. see the moon above us ride, We gaze upon the star And we are duly satisfied To leave them as they are, Whale'er the scientist beholds, Straightway he seeks to change And, if he can arrange it, mold To something new and strange.

A primrose hy the river's brim, Though lovely is its hue Is nothing very much to him, He wants to make it blue. In roses, yellow, pink or red Much loveliness we see, The man of science shakes his head, "They should he green," says he; A flush upon a cheek we view lint do not analyze; The scientist observes it too, "How girls do paint!" he cries. We gasp when sunsets gild the scenes On sea or sky or plain, The scientist remarks, "This means That it is going to rain!" But little learning we have had, Much wisdom we have missed, But. notwithstanding we are glad We're not a scientist! oiirin all itiitcbea ereriitMl to i or not i toward th final outlawry of all war In a r.ti,, psikt, herein All nrnie or puijii'wh ui wider but no lew apeclfle eitenalon of the Locarno principles. bleo are reeerved.

fjftf- l.f ri'fen Ar.y eironeou lectl upim th character nr repui.ii'.n -t nv preon. firm nr oi.rtKjrKtlon which rr ee: In the y.l.jtrne of the Tlmfi will ha glanlr bemj tirouKht to tne tteatloo of uie rr rt. of the Past ipses ncr- hu full to receive their paier promptly r.r favor upon the nianii cement by i.r to the and a copy i.t Irun.eOliltely afjectal meeeetitier. TIIIRTEE.y TEARS AGO From the Times of October 21, 1912. 1 .1 n'-t acoomintt-l hy atampefl a--: iiiflfrBefil will returned and the ui nr.

enter into atoiic Ihem. M.inir i.ifir-i) ir pnhlicatlon In Vm Timen ahould a- tir.iiMl 10 The I'MH'it anrt nut to Individual Theodore Koosevelt, progressive candidate for president, will leave Chicago for hi home in Oyster Bay today. He ha recovered from a trar- let wound Inflicted by an assassin in Milwaukee a few days ago. Mir Country! In ner Intercourse with frirfifn nnliuiis, may fclie always ba right, bni our country, riKtit or wroncr." STKPHKN DKCATUR. An Italian known as "Dago" Bob Beating Them to It.

The plan of th aggrieved cotton grower th El Po valley to buy and operate tholr own need oil mill haa merit Running a seed ol mill doe not require any Intricate technical knowledge and there mum be plenty of cotton farmer In the neighborhood who have had the requisite experience, A mill properly managed and conducted for aervlce to th cotton grower rather than for profit should abl to tk car of th local seed product In a way to eliminate tha worst of the dlacrlmlnatlona Imposrd by the local pink boll worm quarantine. Th chance aeam well worth taking at any rat. If a eed oil mill combine la taking undue advantage of the quarantine, thl la one way to undo It advantage. Meanwhile, th etruRgle against the quarantine and against th axtravagantly bureaucratic methods of the federal department of agriculture In Imposing It upon an Intra-atate situation, needs to preened. It 1 time Mr.

Sidney Piolth, the department of With the Women of Today Liberty fall's Renovation. The i ori.rimriiiy owe lt ronKratulutlon to the i antlmrit the epeed nd good tatla v.r.!i ivM'-h the nlt't ln and renovating of Liberty hail hir.e l. effc-te l. 'fhera I no other Interior I lil i. pr In the city or county capable of i.tii'ii i ao tiiiKtti to the Joint community (ui-t end and no building, public or will be arraigned before United States Commissioner Oliver today on a charge of Impersonating; a secret service officer and obtaining; 1590 from a woman.

A tralnload of steers. to I years old. Is in te El Paso yard, en routs to California. They were purchased by Callfornlan from Brlta Mitchell of Marfa. Mayor Kelly will Isau a proclamation declaring Wednesday a half-holiday so that all city employe can see the Industrial parade.

Dr. W. It. Jamleson will preside to. night at a gridiron dinner nf the El I'aao County Medical association In Hotel Sheldon.

Dr. F. P. MlUer is association president. Fifteen race horce have arrived for tha winter meeting In Juarex.

Many more shipment will arriv In the next two week. Highest temparatura. 75; lowest, 57. j.rhate, v. Iil tio community hn belter hnnct Y0R HEALTH a ii.i K'-r obliriMon to put II beat fot.t for-, grIcuHtire local eatrap.

la challenged Kaln to of beauty and good taste which produce pink boll worm In the El I'rtso valley hill nil r'U-e as we tie the hall ro bound to ftolit Inatead of In a laboratory In Houston. Finding name for things 1 th unusual profession of Mis Laura Lee Bogers, of Elisabeth, N. 3. 6h probab'y is the only person in America wpo earn an excellent living by suggesting suitable name for new products, new houses, new shop Indeed anything that require naming, except bnbleaa Miss Hoger 1 quit ure that she would never be itbl to suit both father and mother tc naming a child. A natural knack for nonenclature helped Miss ltogers choos her odd profession.

She ha studUd many language and dug into many musty tomes to gather uitabl word for her many cl ent. Th swimming pool at the Central T. W. C. ln Cleveland, Is the largest Indoor swimming pool for wo-men In th country, according to Kdlth L.

Oates, physical director. Its dllmenelona are by 7J feet, with a depth of thro and one-half feet at "tsi shallow end and eight snd feet at Its deepest. A minimum By Dr. RoyaS S. Copland Pennine From New Turk Slate, and Farmer ommlaaloner at Health of York City.

It la nlso time th'tt the Texan department of agriculture offlclnla are asked again why a protest la not made against the federal department' INVITING THE PERIL OF PUS INFECTION. wholly unconstitutional meddling with Intra-state commerce. Recently I spent a week around my boyhood home. Every day I met loer-tlme friends, many of them class General Sherwood. den.

Isaao R. ftherwood, who died In hi Ohio Women Approve 'Arizona Decree you can't have good health and had teeth a the same time? They Just cannot abide In the earn person. Pus Is the result of germ Invasion. Th germ can't get Into th body unless there Is a break somewhere. It I posalbl that SO or to per cent nf the pus Infection take place through th tenth, gums, niU lnuse and tonsils.

These structure appear to be th weakest portion of the anat horn the other day, waa that anomnly unbelievable on Minimum Wage to th reforming type of dry a ninn who refrained WASHINGTON, Oct. (API Th national woman' party head- from the us of alcohol himself, but who did not believe had th right to lmpos hi peraon.il habits by leglalntlon upon his fellow men. omy. Perhap they ar th weakest uuartera here todav declared that the mate In th old scboolhouse. You would have thought there wa an 1 I a of rheumatism.

I met at lesst i dinen men all tied np with "rheumatic." low are you. Bill?" Thl greeting was Invariably replied to. "All right, except I have the rhtuma-tisrn." To each old Oeneral fiherwood, who retired this year after occaufie tney are tne most neetected. i supreme court decision Monday ho'd-If I had to choose between 20 goodMng unconstitutional the Arlon min-teeth and ID had ones, on th one wage law for women Indicated hand, and a complete et of false, that the demand of the modern wo-teeth on the other, I should take the: man for equal right with men In In-false teeth. dustry la at last beginning to be 50 years aa a congressman, mad In the house In January, 1J24, a vigorous denunciation tf th Volstead law and th Antl-Ralonn League, although )i Hie whole life of th community and It lj 1 1 rinin th.it vlxltm net to convention and our inrc'r 'mi i ml omenta will Judg to a consider- Lie extent by th ense of teste nd convenience lime dlnr.layed In outfitting our greatest linn.

Tlil. of tout tie, la not an argument for for a display of extravnganc would not tie pulling our best foot forward. Thn In of the wink have done ven greater ei rviii) thriii could be performed by lavlah expemdl-line In tastefully harmonizing a color. Interior tiiiiliiK and eliige remodeling program within the limit of a comparatively small mm. When l.ll.eiiy ball In ii time I ready for use again, tb enormous Imprcn emi nls over the old establish-ir.

'-nt will prove tliunelrs by tlieir own merit. It In to le Imped tin the sound, artistic and iifllltatlan i'nn'iple which have guided th work fnr will be ninlntainrd to the end. Thl Is tin. ra-e with the etntre curtain, which I of tin- List Important dei iuatHe article of bull to be chosen the limits of reasonable ure. It will certainly piy tha com-mnrlty to choose a curtiln of tbe gieatest obtainable sillfllc beauty and durability.

In I lie) old Liberty hail III Paso looked at the at Iter kind of curtain long enough to di srv now the best that Is to be bad. 1 urthei more, stage cuiialns tire Ilk shoes Tlu that lat Inngeet, that k'ep ttielr color and texttue bn(eat, arc the heapejt. mih it isn i necessary ro nave raise heard. teeth. With th proper care of the Tn organltstlon held that wsge legislation, if enacted, should put men and women on an equal basis.

teeth In childhood and dental attention through early life there is no need to let the teeth go bad. Cavities and Inflamed gums are the MfS I.AC.A T.EE ROGER. contend," It -eald, "that there asserted lie had signed, when 12 year old, a pledg never to vote for a law that permitted the of Intoxicating liquor as a beverage. The league, ald, was not Christian In Its methods, "but Is vindictive, vengeful and mercenary and by Its drastic of ,000 women and girls us th pool yearly. Fran Therese Dahn, widow of a eclebated German novelist, wa recently made an honorary senator in tho University of Breslau, an unusmal honor for a woman.

The occasion wa lior 10th birthday. Ther ar now mor thn 1.100 women dentist In th United State. Girl going In for sports st th Bo-ton university ar not permitted to smoke. English women ar reported wearing mud guards to protect their ankle from Ui fall rains. The associated drcasmakor of Paris have barred mora than 100 foreign buyer from their shows this fall, claiming they are 'dress pirates" that Is, that without bi-ying they cteal the deslfrns of the Paris eotiturlcs and reproduce them without giving their or glnntor credit.

Th Pari dress-maker ar organised for the purpose I no more reason for a minimum beginnings of evil. Pretty snon the i wage law applying to women only friend of this type I satd, "It me see ynr teeth." Every laat one had a mouth full of old rnnta and annus. When will human beings learn that gums will become pttsny and the roots of the teeth will become abcesed. The broken edges 0f tho cavities will than for minimum wage law applying to persons of ono particular race or one particular creed." methods of trying to enforce the Volstead law has hatched the biggest crop of lnwbreokcrs ever Inflicted upon a community." Tomboy Taylor. EDITORIAL OF THE DAY ieMeW Taylor's MoTh: ejects -n hc rioii46 Ori "fHC GARBAGE.

VlAfioM SO SHE MAKES ThC GAOAGC MAM CkRRM A BARfCi. foft HK To MiOE Ihl vHlLtS of crsatlng om sort of copyright plan to safeguard their right. German ura worst offenders. It Is said, tvlth Americans second and English tnlrd. Trouble Ahead in France.

(From th New Turk World Th Increas In th not circulation of th Hank of Franc to th unprecedented total of 47,. 000,000,000 frnncg direct result of the slow re-i-ponse of the French people to the new conversion loan. This loan wa a cardinal feature of M. Calllaux's financial problem and win designed ex-pressly to prevent the currency Inflation which t. FVInds ef Francis Hodgson Pnmett, A Practical Prace-Mnkinfj.

The fact Hint the I.orarno trestle do riot outlaw war, but trailer certnln Ircumntancf aven ssru-tlcn It ns an obligation of honor, nisy ba ev led to bring down upon tlietn the wralh of all a II a who died last year, have planned a ft on th fields of France, and none can say until the trumpet sound which sre the sons of Knrrlnnd end which are the sons of England' ons And then It won't matter. Does it matter now T' Touching briefly upen the tlon. Profesmr McElroy raid that calm minded historians, such as sir Oeorge Otto Trevelyan, Interpreted the conflict so fairly tnat It wns clear the war of the revolution was not a war between England nd America, but between liberal and reactionary men In both lands. Other historians, ies brillsnt than Trevelyan, but with similar finality, hav convinced America thst In the war of HIS she fought on the wrong side, the profe. aor added, and althourh for a full generation after the e'os of the American Civil war American had vaeruely resented Britain- too great sympathy with the rehel oently publlahed volumes by Ephralm Adam give a mass of evldene to prove there was no real cause for bitterness.

Lands Great Britain. have little patten" with the theory that because two peopl speak the nme language, view Justice from common viewpoint Inherited from a common past and react similarly to questions Involving th sporting spirit, they csn see eye to eye all II thlnes," he continued. "Always and forever. If hlrrtory teache anything, nation, have laid their own eonrss rcgardlesi nf kinship or background, and they alway wllL We ar Arrerlra and shall remain America, Ton are Orent Ifiraln and despite the chao of a fchattrrd world, remnln nd will remain the center of th greatest rommonwenlth of nation th world ha ever seen." novel memorial In Central Tark, New 0' AA Turk. It Is a secret garden where chip dren may play and birds may find re.

ere. This form of memorial was elec- now tllklna lilnee tt wna th dm ti liinire purlfiMs under the sun. m.m-u nun uie ntiiiipf I'UI tkf ihipl.la.n, l.ll.... I I 1 Oil" Mr'" ted as being In harmony with Mrs. JJurnett' love of gardens.

nunnuim, iiimeiici or ilcmnndlng oath redemption and thereby necessitating further note fcauc. wotilrl be willing to exchange their holding for new long-term bonds with Interest guaranteed against the depreciation of the franc. That the plan haa not had tho desired rrxtill is Indicated by the Increase of about 3, 000.000, Mini Ibdy Views a World -Topics nanc note circulation since the conversion loan i was announced. Meanwhile, th time limit fnr siitnerlptlons to the limn has been extended, flrnt from Hepternber 3 to and then to October It i cat AtrE yott pirrr.B- JCf'M ASD RR IS PHOI KSHOB A 11 TO KXffl.AXn AM) AM KICV "Fast differences nd old between Ureal Britain and Amenca hav to be covered bv th memory of moraily ambltlntis gentry ere elwuya rendy to 1 ring someone before the grand Jury for not Introducing the mlHenlum, and that sei-ms to bo the way with tlie nestles. Their merit Is thnt they seem te prwdlrg for the pen- In the way that most It.

mi'M lly precedented In the diplomacy nindern history, mnt likely to be understood observed by the high contracting parties without iulbbln, and therefor most likely to stick. Tbs same ciuild hardly have een ild for the ti miles nf r.rnrno If they had outlawed war without any rt Fnr nn thing, outlawing In r'-ti" 'I'lnir tn.it lias necr been erlouly trl'-d. 11ns le no lh-niernMo ol Jei to It, but it dm i t.i le an Insuperable objection th.it hi ba never been tried, la also tie fur wbbh human dlplon.sry aril the liutmiii t'lltid do ji.it seem lo la prepaied Jet. 1 ei a ioie which, by the term of li.vpoth" ti. al viiis supposed lo Is outbiweil, populiiivii, what government In the world Inliy could we trust to do the outlawing In th" properly dedicated spirit? If the outinwty v-n piricly f-i ritiiiinlr In diameter, would put tnn-l i I Hi tiilmns be gmriricd by ndtnlnlsti as hoped that at least SJ.oo0.000.000 franc out a floating debt of go.nnn.ono.ooo might be funded in this way, but At the last report the tutal conversions wvr somewhst less than i ancs.

When frams In short -term nhll-gatluns fell due on rVptrmhor 25, Ciilllnn offered convert then Into a new Issue bearing Interest from Hepternber thus giving the Imidris bonus of twenty day' Interest a well as nn opportunity to safeguard their Income nii'ilnst current ilcprc I'cars of capital levy, however, neml distrust of the government's inm, p.iipy 'lin Hie. Juggling of LanU fiuuirs on. I. the Her-riot regime, have caused tunny itneto rti I t.na In pteter redemption to cotiver.lon Th.s red. n'P- "nO tJ th brief period of common struggle for th grandest csuss that ever asked the acriflc men That wa the text of a recent speech of I'rof.

Itobert McKtroy of rrlnceton, who now fill the newly created ehlr of American History at Oxford. "American did their llttie," be continued, "far too llttie and lute. nn whi icn inrMfaw to the further inflnt.n of price, nnd this. In turn, will Increase the difficulty balancing the budget In on 1( ember another short-term Issue, iiotoiinting to lU.ojn.nnri.niir) frame, will fall due Tlie government will be fortunate If It meet thu situation without raintiit the preeiit i il mnx- $400,600 Textbook Contract Rejected by Attorney General AI'STIN, Oct 0 (AP). Th tornejr general d'paitment r.

fused tod.iy to rprov contract for aprrrslrr.nely awarded lit weeg hy th state textbook c.irrnilion to the HooK com pan v. Failure of th serr.farv of the compsnv to riirn certain statemen and affidavit a rcjulred by law wa given ss the cnir of the refusal, H. M. N. Mirni, Jti.

rlntendent ef ruM'c Ins'ru. tlnn. to shi the ettor. ney general' denirr'ment delivered th of, Irion, fus. i whst coar- tt teatboog wmld Itkr, The ot inion hoS, the letter of th law nvi.t he lived up to for the rc'sslon Is au'horlffd tl evn(der th Am-riran liemk rompsny bid.

American poo eompary r. celvel lriri an anil fViTn th eon), mission, retting speilln contract froxlms'sly Ja.i, nd th general inet for HMol. MI 11 II. III II III I intri cm 'i lone i ii nn ii inn, rrarn i mm toe a mi-It the rnitlavry brtnine military 'ti its si-ope, would test Hhe may follow tiermanv's example rd ru tl.nl be the icnal to all of us to enlist In tun Its course, or sl.e itnv vet rurgl. in the ed fa.bb.n.d w.y.

sccrdrng 'h on teml.ncle, by Interr.t r'c, nl curtailing b'Uik and a we, the -vera! n'l-n, conceived It be to our government credit. It Is to venture a guc Interest lo etill-t. Most prolnMy If tlermany and at thl time a to which rmitue will be taken, but rrat.c wer "otifliwrd" for going to war. and the ln '''t falllang or bis successor I gn'r-g tha Prttlsh their prompt and glorious much, hut for a few Uod erar'ed rctontns they fought side by side. To-Csjv, Uirefiir.

It Is essy cast dtrerenees Into lb shadow by recalling hew1 their (t'd tocethr, one anther In Verv face nt death, futm gv Ihem a common lt-n, common courage, ntwn death, they lrpt together sid by side ower proceeding to the pun shment found It en. nunter om nam sieomtig before lit inter Ii ever. re in? ys S-n I.

El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.