This work was carried out within the project βMirror Laboratoriesβ of HSE University, Russian Federation. Victoria Oganisian is supported by a stipend from the Theoretical Physics and Mathematics Advancement Foundation βBASISβ
1. Introduction
The moment-angle complex is a topological space (a CW complex) with a torus action that features in toric topology and hom*otopy theory of polyhedral products[BP]. The topology of a moment-angle complex is determined by the combinatorics of the corresponding simplicial complex.If is the nerve complex of a simple polytope , then the corresponding moment-angle complex, which is denoted by , is a smooth manifold.
There are several different geometric constructions of moment-angle manifolds enriching their topology with remarkable and peculiar geometric structures. One of them arises in holomorphic dynamics, where the moment-angle manifold appears as the leaf space of a holomorphic foliation on an open subset of a complex space, and is diffeomorphic to a nondegenerate intersection of Hermitian quadrics[BM], [BP, Chapter6]. All early examples of moment-angle manifolds appearing in this context where diffeomorphic to connected sums of products of spheres. This is the case, for example, when is two-dimensional (a polygon). From the description of the cohom*ology ring of it became clear that the topology of moment-angle manifolds in general is much more complicated than that of a connected sum of sphere products; for instance, can have arbitrary additive torsion or nontrivial higher Massey products[BP, Chapter4].
Nevertheless, the question remained of identifying the class of simple polytopes (or more generally, simplicial spheres) for which the moment-angle manifold is homeomorphic to a connected sum of products of spheres. This question is also interesting from the combinatorial and hom*otopy-theoretic points of view, as it is related to the conditions for the minimal non-Golodness of and the chordality of its one-skeleton. For three-dimensional polytopes (or two-dimensional spheres ), it was proved in[BM, Proposition11.6] that is diffeomorphic to a connected sum of products of spheres if and only if is obtained from the 3-simplex by consecutively cutting off some vertices. This characterisation can be extended by adding two more equivalent conditions, the chordality and the minimal non-Golodness (see Proposition3.1):
Let be a two-dimensional simplicial sphere and let be the a three-dimensional simple polytope such that . Suppose that is not a cube. The following conditions are equivalent:
- (a)
is obtained from the simplex by iterating the vertex cut operation, i.βe. is a stacked polytope;
- (b)
is diffeomorphic to a connected sum of products of spheres;
- (c)
is isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of products of spheres;
- (d)
the one-dimensional skeleton of the nerve complex is a chordal graph;
- (e)
is minimally non-Golod, unless .
For three-dimensional simplicial spheres (including the nerve complexes of four-dimensional simple polytopes) we characterise the moment-angle manifolds with the cohom*ology ring isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of products of spheres (see Theorem4.4):
Let be a three-dimensional simplicial sphere. There is a ring isomorphism where each is a product of spheres if and only if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
- (a)
(the boundary of a -dimensional cross-polytope);
- (b)
is a chordal graph;
- (c)
has exactly two missing edges which form a chordless -cycle.
We conjecture that under each of the conditions (b) and (c) above the moment-angle manifold is homeomorphic to a connected sum of products of spheres. Under condition (c) we have where one of the summands is a product of three spheres. The first example of such was constucted in[FCMW].
When , the chordality of does not imply that where is a connected sum of products of spheres, see Example2.9. A stronger sufficient condition valid for simplicial spheres of arbitrary dimension is given in Theorem4.3.
2. Preliminaries
Let be a simplicial complex on the set . We assume that contains an empty set and all one element subsets . The dimension of a simplicial complex is the maximal cardinality of its simplices minus one.
We denote the full subcomplex of on a vertex set by or by .
The moment-angle complex corresponding to is defined as follows (see [BP, Β§4.1]):
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Lemma 2.1.
If is a full subcomplex of , then is a retract of , and is a subring of .
Let be canonical inclusion, and let be the map that omits the coordinates corresponding to . Then is the required retraction, and it induces an injective hom*omorphism in cohom*ology.β
Theorem 2.2 ([BP, Theorem 4.5.8]).
There are isomorphisms of groups
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These isomorphisms combine to form a ring isomorphism , where the ring structure on the right hand side is given by the canonical maps
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which are induced by simplicial maps for and zero otherwise.
We denote
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The ring structure in is given by the maps
(2.1) | | | |
Proposition 2.3.
If is an -dimensional simplicial complex, then the cohom*ological product length of is at most .
Suppose there are elements , , such that.This implies, by Theorem2.2, that there are elements and such that , where , and . It follows that
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hence , as claimed.β
A (convex) polytope is a bounded intersection of a finite number of halfspaces in a real affine space. A facet of is its face of codimension.
A polytope of dimension is called simple if each vertex of belongs to exactly facets. So if is simple, then the dual polytope is simplicial and its boundary is a simplicial complex, which we denote by . Then is the nerve complex of the covering of by its facets. The moment-angle complex is denoted simply by.
A simplicial sphere (or triangulated sphere) is a simplicial complex whose geometric realisation is homeomorphic to a sphere. If is a simple polytope of dimension, then the nerve complex is a simplicial sphere of dimension.For , any simplicial sphere of dimension is combinatorially equivalent to the nerve complex of a simple -dimensional polytope. This is not true in dimensions ; the Barnette sphere is a famous example of a -dimensional simplicial sphere with vertices that is not combinatorially equivalent to the boundary of a convex -dimensional polytope (see[BP, Β§2.5]).
Theorem 2.4 ([BP, Theorem 4.1.4, Corollary 6.2.5]).
Let be a simplicial sphere of dimension with vertices. Then is a closed topological manifold of dimension . If be a simple -dimensional polytope with facets, then is a smooth manifold of dimension .
A simple polytope is called stacked if it can be obtained from a simplex by a sequence of stellar subdivisions of facets. Equivalently, the dual simple polytope is obtained from a simplex by iterating the vertex cut operation.
A connected sum of products of spheres is a closed -dimensional manifold homeomorphic to a connected sum where each is a product spheres , where .
The next theorem follows from the results of McGavran[M], see[BM, Theorem6.3]. See also[GL, Β§2.2] for a different approach.
Theorem 2.5 (see [BP, Theorem4.6.12]).
Let be a dual stacked -polytope with facets. Then the corresponding moment-angle manifold is homeomorphic to a connected sum of products of spheres with two spheres in each product, namely,
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In particular, the moment-angle complex corresponding to a polygon (a two-dimensional polytope) is a connected sum of products of spheres.
A graph is a one-dimensional simplicial complex.A graph is called chordal if every cycle of with more than vertices has a chord, where a chord is an edge connecting two vertices that are not adjacent in the cycle.The vertices of a graph are in perfect elimination order if for any vertex all its neighbours with indices less than are pairwise adjacent.
Theorem 2.6 ([FG]).
A graph is chordal if and only if its vertices can be arranged in a perfect elimination order.
The following property of chordal graphs is immediate from Theorem2.6.
Proposition 2.7.
Let be a chordal graph on vertices, and suppose that the vertices of are arranged in a perfect elimination order. Then is also a chordal graph, and the vertices of are automatically arranged in the perfect elimination order.
Lemma 2.8.
Let be a simplicial sphere of dimension greater than such that where each is a product of two spheres. Then the one-skeleton is a chordal graph.
Let and , . We denote the corresponding generators of by , , where , , , and , (the fundamental class). We have relations for , and all other products in are trivial.
Suppose that there is a chordless cycle in with vertices. Then is a full subcomplex in , therefore is a subring of by Lemma2.1. By Theorem2.5 is also a connected sum of products of spheres, so there are nontrivial products in the ring , where is the fundamental class of and , which is impossible in .Thus, there are no chordless cycles in with more than three vertices, so is a chordal graph.β
The converse of Lemma2.8 holds for two- and three-dimensional spheres, as shown in the next two sections, but fails in higher dimensions, as shown by the example below. A missing edge of is a pair of vertices that do not form a -simplex.
Example 2.9.
Let be the three-dimensional polytope obtained by cutting two vertices of the tetrahedron.By Theorem2.5,
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Now let , where , so that is a simplicial sphere of dimension .We have , which is not a connected sum of products of spheres. However, is a chordal graph. Indeed, . Hence, each missing edge of is a missing edge of. There are only three missing edges in , and no two of them form a chordless -cycle. Also, there can be no chordless cycles with more than vertices, as any such chordless cycle has at least missing edges.
The next lemma builds upon the results of[FCMW, Β§4].
Lemma 2.10.
Let be a simplicial sphere of dimension such that, where each is a product of spheres. Suppose that is not a chordal graph. Then all missing edges of are pairwise disjoint and
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By [FCMW, Lemma4.5] any chordless cycle in has three or four vertices. Since is not chordal, it contains a chordless -cycle. Then by[FCMW, Lemma4.6] missing edges of are pairwise disjoint, i.βe. each pair of missing edges forms a chordless -cycle.
We have by Theorem2.2. Choose a basis of according to this decomposition, so that corresponds to a generator of for . Each product is nonzero by Theorem2.2, because is a -cycle.
Through the ring isomorphism , three-dimensional sphere factors in the connected summands correspond to cohom*ology classes in , which we denote by . We have . Furthermore, if we denote the subring of generated by by and denote the subring generated by by , then we have a ring isomorphism . Since for any , we have . This implies that for . It follows that all spheres , , belong to the same connected summand, because the product of the cohom*ology classes corresponding to sphere factors in different summands of the connected sum is zero. Therefore, in. This implies, by the ring isomorphism , that is nonzero in . Now it follows from the product description in Theorem2.2 that .β
3. Two-dimensional spheres
Here we consider moment-angle manifolds corresponding to two-dimensional simplicial spheres or, equivalently, to three-dimensional simple polytopes .
The case (a three-dimensional cube) is special. In this case the nerve complex is (the join of three -dimensional spheres, or the boundary of a three-dimensional cross-polytope) and .
A simplicial complex is called Golod if the multiplication and all higher Massey products in are trivial. (Equivalently, the StanleyβReisner ring is a Golod ring over any field , see[BP, Β§4.9].) A simplicial complex on is called minimally non-Golod if is not Golod, but for any vertex the complex is Golod.
The following result extends[BM, Proposition11.6], where the equvalence of conditions (a), (b) and (c) was proved:
Proposition 3.1.
Let be a two-dimensional simplicial sphere and let be the a three-dimensional simple polytope such that . Suppose that is not a cube. The following conditions are equivalent:
- (a)
is obtained from a simplex by iterating the vertex cut operation, i.βe. is a stacked polytope;
- (b)
is diffeomorphic to a connected sum of products of spheres;
- (c)
is isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of products of spheres;
- (d)
the one-dimensional skeleton of the nerve complex is a chordal graph;
- (e)
is minimally non-Golod, unless .
We prove the implications (a)(b)(c)(d)(a), (e)(d) and (a)(e).
(a)(b) This is Theorem2.5.
(b)(c) is clear.
(c)(d) Let , where each is a product of spheres.Since the cohom*ological product length of is at most (Corollary2.3), there is at most sphere factors in each. If some has exactly factors, then and is a cube by[FCMW, Theorem4.3(a)]. This contradicts the assumption.Now, is a chordal graph by Lemma2.8.
(d)(a) We use induction on the number of facets of . The base is clear, as is a simplex in this case.
For the induction step, assume that the vertices of are arranged in a perfect elimination order. Let be the vertices adjacent to the last vertex. First we prove that .
Let denote the th facet of. Since is a clique of , the facets are pairwise adjacent.Suppose that . Renumbering the facets if necessary, we may assume that , , , are consecutive facets in a cyclic order around, so that and .Since and are adjacent, the facets , and form a -belt (a prismatic -circuit). This -belt splits into two connected components[BE, Lemma2.7.2]. The facets and lie in different components, so they cannot be adjacent. A contradiction. Hence, .
Since has adjacent facets, it is a triangle. If is adjacent to a triangular facet, then is a simplex. Otherwise, there exist a polytope such that is obtained from by cutting a vertex with formation of a new facet.Then is obtained from by removing the vertex and adding simplex . Hence, the -skeleton of is also a chordal graph by Proposition2.7. Now has facets, so we complete the induction step.
(e)(d) Let be minimally non-Golod, and suppose there is a chordless cycle in with vertices. Then is a full subcomplex of and (otherwise , which is impossible for a -dimensional polytope). For any vertex , note that is also a full subcomplex also in . Therefore, is a subring of by Lemma2.1. On the other hand, there are nontrivial products is by Theorem2.5, whereas all products in must be trivial, since is Golod. A contradiction. Hence, there are no chordless cycles in.
(a)(e) This follows from[L, Theorem3.9]: if an -dimensional simple polytope is obtained from by a vertex cut, and is minimally non-Golod, then is also minimally non-Golod.β
4. Three-dimensional spheres
Recall that the product in is given by(2.1).A nonzero element is decomposable if for some nonzero , , where and are proper subsets for .
A missing face (or a minimal non-face) of is a subset such that is not a simplex of, but every proper subset of is a simplex of. Each missing face corresponds to a full subcomplex , where denotes the boundary of simplex on the vertex set. A missing face defines a simplicial hom*ology class in , which we continue to denote by.We denote by the set of missing faces of dimension , that is, with .
Lemma 4.1.
Let be a missing face of . Then any cohom*ology class such that is indecomposable.
Let be the simplicial complex obtained from by filling in all missing faces of dimension with simplices, so that and . Then the inclusion induces a ring hom*omorphism and for . Also, for .
Suppose is decomposable, that is, . Choose such that and and define . Then and
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This is a contradiction.β
Theorem 4.2.
Let be a three-dimensional simplicial sphere such that and is a chordal graph. Then , where is a connected sum of products of spheres with two spheres in each product.
We use the notation and analyse possible nontrivial products in(2.1). We have for since is a three-dimensional sphere.Products of the form , and are therefore trivial for dimensional reasons.
Since is a 3-dimensional sphere, is an -dimensional manifold. Nontrivial products come from PoincarΓ© duality for (see[BP, Proposition4.6.6]), because is nonzero only when . The PoincarΓ© duality isomorphisms (or the Alexander duality isomorphisms for the -sphere, see[BP, 3.4.11]) imply that the groups are torsion-free for any and .
Next we prove that all multiplications of the form are trivial.Assume that there are cohom*ology classes such that . Since there exists such that . We can write , where each is a simple chordless cycle in and . Since is chordal, . Now, , so for some. Hence, is indecomposable by Lemma4.1. A contradiction.
Finally, we prove that all multiplications of the form are trivial.Assume that there exists a nontrivial product for some , , . By PoincarΓ© duality there exists an element such that . Then , so we obtain a nontrivial multiplication of the form . A contradiction.
It follows that the only nontrivial multiplications in are
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which arise from PoincarΓ© duality. Therefore, the ring is free as an abelian group with -basis
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where , ,, is the fundamental class, and the product is given by and , where is the Kronecker delta. At least one of the groups and is nonzero, as otherwise and . Then is isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of products spheres with two spheres in each product.β
For simplicial spheres of dimension , the condition that is a chordal graph does not imply that is isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of spheres, as shown by Example2.9. The next result gives a sufficient condition in any dimension. We say that the group is generated by missing faces of if for any nonzero there exists such that .
Theorem 4.3.
Let be a simplicial sphere of dimension such that and the group is generated by missing faces of for . Then is isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of products of spheres with two spheres in each product.
We can assume that , as otherwise is the boundary of polygon and the result follows from Theorem2.5.As in the proof of Theorem4.2, we analyse possible nontrivial products in(2.1).We denote .
We have for since is an -dimensional sphere.Therefore, products of the form with are trivial.
Nontrivial products or the form with are given by and come from PoincarΓ© duality, because is nonzero only when .We prove by contradiction that the groups are torsion-free for . Assume that there is a cocycle and a nonzero integer such that . Let be a representing cochain for , then is a coboundary and for some cochain . By assumption there exists such that , hence,
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and we get a contradiction. Now the Alexander duality isomorphisms imply that the hom*ology groups are torsion-free for . Since , we obtain that is torsion-free for , whereas is torsion-free for . By the universal coefficient theorem we conclude that the groups are torsion-free for all and.
All products of the form are trivial for , since any -dimensional cohom*ology class with is indecomposable by Lemma4.1.
Finally, we prove that all products of the form are trivial for . Suppose there are classes and with such that . Without loss of generality we assume that . Then there exists an element such that by PoincarΓ© duality. Therefore, and so we obtain a nontrivial product of the form for . By assumption, and , hence,
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Thus, is a product of the form with , so it must be trivial. A contradiction.
We obtain that the only nontrivial products in arise from PoincarΓ© duality. It follows that the ring is isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of products of spheres with two spheres in each product.β
The next theorem extends the result of Theorem4.2 to a complete characterisation of three-dimensional spheres such that is isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of products of spheres.
Theorem 4.4.
Let be a three-dimensional simplicial sphere. Then where each is a product of spheres if and only if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
- (a)
(the boundary of a -dimensional cross-polytope);
- (b)
is a chordal graph;
- (c)
has exactly two missing edges which form a chordless -cycle.
First we prove the βonly ifβ statement. If is a chordal graph, then (b) is satisfied. Otherwise, by Lemma2.10 the missing edges of are pairwise disjoint and . We have , since .
If , then , so that (a) holds.
If , then is a two-dimensional simplicial sphere. We have by Alexander duality. Hence, is not connected. It follows that there is at least one more missing edge in besides . A contradiction.
If , then (c) holds.
If , then is in fact a chordal graph, since any chordless cycle with more than three vertices has at least two missing edges. Hence, (b) holds.
Now we prove the βifβ statement. If (a) holds, then is a product of spheres. If (b) holds, then where each is a product of spheres by Theorem4.2. Suppose (c) holds. Then , where and correspond to the two missing edges of , and . We use the same argument as in the proof of Theorem4.2 with one exception: there is one nontrivial product of the form . Namely, , where is PoincarΓ© dual to and is the fundamental class of. All other nontrivial products in arise from PoincarΓ© duality. Thus the ring is generated by elements , where , with the following multiplication rules: , for , and all other products of generators are zero. Clearly, is isomorphic to the cohom*ology ring of a connected sum of products of spheres.β
Note that under condition (c) of Theorem4.4 we have , where is a connected sum of products of spheres in which one of the summands is a product of three spheres. The first example of such a simplicial sphere was constructed in[FCMW]. Later it was shown in[I] that the corresponding moment-angle manifold is diffeomorphic to.
It can be shown that if is a three-dimensional simplicial sphere such that is a chordal graph, then all higher Massey products in are trivial. This implies that a three-dimensional simplicial sphere is minimally non-Golod if and only if is a chordal graph. We elaborate on this in a subsequent paper.