Nuzlocke Tracker | Pokémon Red Nuzlocke Guide (2024)

Red Encounters

A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Red so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!

Pokémon Red has 45 different encounter locations with 92 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

1 Dragon Pokémon encounters

  • Dratini - Celadon City and Safari Zone

2 Ghost Pokémon encounters

  • Gastly - Pokémon Tower
  • Haunter - Pokémon Tower

2 Ice Pokémon encounters

  • Jynx - Cerulean City
  • Articuno - Seafoam Islands

3 Fire Pokémon encounters

  • Charmander - Starter
  • Growlithe - Route 8, Route 7 and Pokémon Mansion
  • Ponyta - Pokémon Mansion

4 Rock Pokémon encounters

  • Geodude - Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel and Victory Road
  • Graveler - Victory Road
  • Onix - Rock Tunnel and Victory Road
  • Rhydon - Cerulean Cave

5 Fighting Pokémon encounters

  • Mankey - Route 5, Route 6, Route 8 and Route 7
  • Machop - Rock Tunnel and Victory Road
  • Machoke - Victory Road
  • Hitmonlee - Saffron City
  • Hitmonchan - Saffron City

7 Grass Pokémon encounters

  • Bulbasaur - Starter
  • Oddish - Route 24, Route 25, Route 5, Route 6, Route 12, Route 7, Route 15, Route 14 and Route 13
  • Gloom - Route 12, Route 15, Route 14 and Route 13
  • Paras - Mt. Moon
  • Parasect - Cerulean Cave
  • Exeggcute - Safari Zone
  • Tangela - Cinnabar Island and Route 21

8 Electric Pokémon encounters

  • Pikachu - Viridian Forest and Power Plant
  • Raichu - Cerulean Cave
  • Magnemite - Power Plant
  • Magneton - Power Plant
  • Voltorb - Route 10 and Power Plant
  • Electrode - Cinnabar Island and Cerulean Cave
  • Electabuzz - Power Plant
  • Zapdos - Power Plant

8 Ground Pokémon encounters

  • Diglett - Diglett's Cave
  • Dugtrio - Diglett's Cave
  • Geodude - Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel and Victory Road
  • Graveler - Victory Road
  • Onix - Rock Tunnel and Victory Road
  • Cubone - Pokémon Tower
  • Marowak - Cerulean Cave
  • Rhydon - Cerulean Cave

8 Psychic Pokémon encounters

  • Abra - Route 24, Route 25 and Celadon City
  • Slowpoke - Route 10, Safari Zone and Seafoam Islands
  • Slowbro - Seafoam Islands, Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Drowzee - Route 11
  • Exeggcute - Safari Zone
  • Mr. Mime - undefined
  • Jynx - Cerulean City
  • Mewtwo - Cerulean Cave

9 Bug Pokémon encounters

  • Caterpie - Viridian Forest and Route 25
  • Metapod - Viridian Forest and Route 25
  • Weedle - Route 2, Viridian Forest, Route 24 and Route 25
  • Kakuna - Viridian Forest, Route 24 and Route 25
  • Paras - Mt. Moon
  • Parasect - Cerulean Cave
  • Venonat - Route 12, Safari Zone, Route 15, Route 14 and Route 13
  • Venomoth - Safari Zone and Victory Road
  • Scyther - Celadon City

10 Flying Pokémon encounters

  • Pidgey - Route 1, Route 2, Route 3, Route 24, Route 25, Route 5, Route 6, Route 12, Route 8, Route 7, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13 and Route 21
  • Pidgeotto - Route 15, Route 14 and Route 21
  • Spearow - Route 22, Route 3, Route 4, Route 11, Route 9, Route 10, Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 and Route 23
  • Fearow - Route 17, Route 18 and Route 23
  • Zubat - Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel and Victory Road
  • Golbat - Seafoam Islands and Victory Road
  • Doduo - Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 and Safari Zone
  • Scyther - Celadon City
  • Articuno - Seafoam Islands
  • Zapdos - Power Plant

16 Normal Pokémon encounters

  • Pidgey - Route 1, Route 2, Route 3, Route 24, Route 25, Route 5, Route 6, Route 12, Route 8, Route 7, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13 and Route 21
  • Pidgeotto - Route 15, Route 14 and Route 21
  • Rattata - Route 1, Route 22, Route 2, Route 4, Route 9, Route 16 and Route 21
  • Raticate - Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 and Route 21
  • Spearow - Route 22, Route 3, Route 4, Route 11, Route 9, Route 10, Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 and Route 23
  • Fearow - Route 17, Route 18 and Route 23
  • Clefairy - Mt. Moon and Celadon City
  • Jigglypuff - Route 3
  • Doduo - Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 and Safari Zone
  • Lickitung - Route 18
  • Chansey - Cerulean Cave
  • Kangaskhan - Safari Zone
  • Tauros - Safari Zone
  • Ditto - Route 15, Route 14, Route 13, Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Porygon - Celadon City
  • Snorlax - Route 12 and Route 16

17 Water Pokémon encounters

  • Squirtle - Starter
  • Psyduck - Route 24, Route 25 and Safari Zone
  • Poliwag - Pallet Town, Viridian City, Route 22, Route 24, Route 25, Route 6, Vermillion City, Route 11, Route 10, Route 12, Route 17, Route 18, Fuschia City, Safari Zone, Route 13, Route 19, Route 20, Seafoam Islands, Route 21, Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Poliwhirl - Route 10
  • Tentacool - Pallet Town, Viridian City, Route 12, Route 17, Route 18, Route 13, Route 19, Route 20 and Route 21
  • Slowpoke - Route 10, Safari Zone and Seafoam Islands
  • Slowbro - Seafoam Islands, Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Seel - Seafoam Islands and Cinnabar Island
  • Shellder - Route 6, Vermillion City, Route 11, Route 19, Route 20, Seafoam Islands and Route 21
  • Krabby - Route 24, Route 25, Route 6, Vermillion City, Route 11, Route 12, Route 17, Route 18, Fuschia City, Safari Zone and Route 13
  • Kingler - Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Horsea - Route 19, Route 20, Seafoam Islands and Route 21
  • Seadra - Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Goldeen - Pallet Town, Viridian City, Route 22, Route 24, Route 25, Route 6, Vermillion City, Route 11, Route 10, Route 12, Route 17, Route 18, Fuschia City, Safari Zone, Route 13, Route 19, Route 20, Seafoam Islands, Route 21, Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Seaking - Fuschia City, Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Staryu - Route 19, Route 20, Seafoam Islands and Route 21
  • Magikarp - Pallet Town, Viridian City, Route 22, Route 4, Route 24, Route 25, Route 6, Vermillion City, Route 11, Route 10, Route 12, Route 17, Route 18, Fuschia City, Safari Zone, Route 13, Route 19, Route 20, Seafoam Islands, Route 21, Route 23 and Cerulean Cave

22 Poison Pokémon encounters

  • Bulbasaur - Starter
  • Weedle - Route 2, Viridian Forest, Route 24 and Route 25
  • Kakuna - Viridian Forest, Route 24 and Route 25
  • Ekans - Route 4, Route 11, Route 9, Route 10, Route 8 and Route 23
  • Arbok - Route 23 and Cerulean Cave
  • Nidoran♀ - undefined
  • Nidorina - Route 11 and Celadon City
  • Nidoran♂ - undefined
  • Nidorino - Safari Zone
  • Zubat - Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel and Victory Road
  • Golbat - Seafoam Islands and Victory Road
  • Oddish - Route 24, Route 25, Route 5, Route 6, Route 12, Route 7, Route 15, Route 14 and Route 13
  • Gloom - Route 12, Route 15, Route 14 and Route 13
  • Venonat - Route 12, Safari Zone, Route 15, Route 14 and Route 13
  • Venomoth - Safari Zone and Victory Road
  • Tentacool - Pallet Town, Viridian City, Route 12, Route 17, Route 18, Route 13, Route 19, Route 20 and Route 21
  • Grimer - Pokémon Mansion
  • Muk - Pokémon Mansion
  • Gastly - Pokémon Tower
  • Haunter - Pokémon Tower
  • Koffing - Pokémon Mansion
  • Weezing - Pokémon Mansion

1Dragon Pokémon


2Ghost Pokémon


2Ice Pokémon


3Fire Pokémon


4Rock Pokémon


5Fighting Pokémon


7Grass Pokémon


8Electric Pokémon


8Ground Pokémon


8Psychic Pokémon


9Bug Pokémon


10Flying Pokémon


16Normal Pokémon


17Water Pokémon


22Poison Pokémon


Red Boss Battles

In order to complete a Red Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 22 Boss battles throughout the Kanto region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.

These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Blue's Squirtle to Lance's Dragonite.

8 Gym Leader fights

5 Elite Four fights

7 Rival fights

2 Evil Team fights

Select your starter type

Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Blue might have a fire type to take advantage!

Gym Leader fights

  • - Pewter City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Cerulean City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Vermillion City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Celadon City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Saffron City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Fuschia City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Cinnabar Island Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Viridian City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Elite Four fights

  • - Indigo Plateau

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Indigo Plateau

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Indigo Plateau

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Indigo Plateau

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Champion

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Rival fights

  • - Rival

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Rival

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Rival (optional)

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - S.S. Anne

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Pokemon Tower Rival

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Silph Co. Rival

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Rival

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Evil Team fights

  • - Rocket Hideout

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Silph Co.

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Red Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?

Nuzlocke Tracker | Pokémon Red Nuzlocke Guide (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.