Properties of Triangle | Angle Sum Property | Triangle Inequality Prop (2024)

We will discuss here about some of the properties of triangle.

I. Angle Sum Property of a Triangle:

Relation between the measures of three angles of a triangle.

The sum of three angles of every triangle is 180°.

In∆ABC,∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°,

Draw three triangles on your not book. Name them as ∆PQR, ∆ABC and ∆LMN. With the help of protector measure all the angles the angles andfind them:


∠ABC + ∠BCA + ∠CAB = 180°


∠PQR + ∠QRP + ∠RPQ = 180°


∠LMN + ∠MNL + ∠NLM = 180°

Here, we observe that in each case, the sum of the measures of three angles of a triangle is 180°.

Hence,the sum of the three angles of a triangle is equals to 180°.

Note: If two angles of a triangle are given, we can easily find out its third angle.

Solved Examples onAngle Sum Property of a Triangle:

1. In a right triangle, if one angle is 50°, find its third angle.


∆ PQR is a right triangle, that is, one angle is right angle.

Given, ∠PQR= 90°

∠QPR = 50°

Therefore, ∠QRP = 180° - (∠Q + ∠ P)

= 180° - (90° + 50°)

= 180° - 140°

∠R = 40°

2. PQR is an equilateral triangle. Find the measure of its each angle.


PQR is an equilateral triangle.

∠P = ∠Q = ∠R

According to the angle sum property of a triangle, we get

∠P + ∠Q + ∠R = 180°

⟹ ∠P + ∠P + ∠P = 180°; [Since, ∠P = ∠Q = ∠R]

⟹ 3 ∠P = 180°

⟹ ∠P = \(\frac{180°}{3}\)

⟹ ∠P = 60°

Thus, ∠P= ∠Q= ∠R = 60°

Therefore, each angle of an equilateral triangle is 60°.

II.Triangle Inequality Property:

Triangle inequality property is therelation between lengths of the side of a triangle.

∆ABC has three sides namely AB, BC and CA.

For a shorter notation, the length of the side opposite to the vertex A is written as 'a'

i.e., a = BC

Similarly, b = CA and c = AB

If we measure the lengths of a, b and c, we find the following relation:

a + b > c

b + c > a

c + a > b

Now, we have the following:

The sum of any two sides in a triangle is greater than the third side.

Solved Examples onTriangle Inequality Property:

1. Draw a ∆ABC. Measure the length of its three sides.

Let thelengths of the three sides be AB = 5 cm, BC = 7 cm, AC = 8 cm.

Now add thelengths of any two sides compare this sum with the lengths of the third side.

(i) AB + BC = 5 cm + 7 cm = 12 cm

Since 12 cm > 8 cm

Therefore, (AB + BC) > AC

(ii) BC + CA = 7 cm + 8 cm = 15 cm

Since 15 cm > 5 cm

Therefore, (BC + CA) > AB

(iii) CA + AB = 8 cm + 5 cm = 13 cm

Since 13 cm > 7 cm

Therefore, (CA + AB) > BC

In the below figure we can see in each case, if we add up any two sides of the ∆, the sum is more than its third side.

Thus, we conclude that the sum of the length of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side.

Solved Examples onTriangle Inequality Property:

1. Is it possible to have a triangle whose sides are 5 cm, 6 cm and 4 cm?


The lengths of the sides are 5 cm, 6 cm, 4 cm,

(a) 5 cm + 6 cm > 4 cm.

(b) 6 cm + 4 cm > 5 cm.

(c) 5 cm + 4 cm > 6 cm.

Hence, a triangle with these sides is possible.

2. Which of the following can be the possible lengths (in cm) of a triangle?

(i) 3, 5, 3

(ii) 4, 3, 8


(i) Since 3 + 5 (i.e., 8) > 3, 5 + 3 (i.e., 8) > 3 and 3 + 3 (i.e., 6) > 5, therefore 3, 5, 3 (in cm) can be the lengths of the sides of a triangle.

(ii) Since 4 + 3 (i.e., 7) < 8, therefore 4, 3, 8 (in cm) cannot be the lengths of the sides of a triangle.

III. Properties of Exterior Angles and Interior Opposite Angles of a Triangle:

Properties of Triangle | Angle Sum Property | Triangle Inequality Prop (7)

Consider a triangle ABC. Produce its side BC to X.

∠ACX is called an exterior angle of ∆ABC at C.

Similarly, produce side CB to Y, then ∠ABY is an exterior angle of ∆ABC at B.

Now, ∠ACB i.e., ∠3 is called the interior adjacent angle for ∠ACX at C, whereas ∠CBA and ∠CAB are called interior opposite angles for ∠ACX at C.

Similarly, ∠ABC i.e., ∠2 is called the interior adjacent angle for ∠ABY and ∠ACB, BAC are the interior opposite angles for ∠ABY.

Let us find a relation between the exterior angle and its interior opposite angles of a ∆ABC shown in the above figure.

In ∆ABC, Also, ∠1 + ∠ 2+ ∠3 = 180 deg; [Angle Sum Property]

Also, ∠ACB + ∠ACX = 180°; [Linear Pair]

⟹ ∠3 + ∠ACX = 180°

⟹ ∠3 + ∠ACX = ∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3; (Since, 1 + ∠2 + ∠3 = 180°)

⟹ ∠ACX = ∠1 + ∠2

Thus, exterior ∠ACX = sum of its two interior opposite angles, where ∠1 (= angle A) and ∠2 (= angle B) are the two interior opposite angles of the exterior ∠ACX

Similarly, exterior ∠ABY = ∠1 + ∠3

i.e. exterior ∠ABY = sum of its two interior opposite angles

Now, we have the following:

1. In a triangle, an exterior angle is equal to the sum of its two interior opposite angles.

2. In a triangle, an exterior angle is greater than either of the two interior opposite angles.

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Classification of Triangle.

Properties of Triangle.

Worksheet on Triangle.

To Construct a Triangle whose Three Sides are given.

To Construct a Triangle when Two of its Sides and theincluded Angles are given.

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To Construct a Right Triangle when its Hypotenuse and One Sideare given.

Worksheet on Construction of Triangles.

5th Grade Geometry Page

5th Grade Math Problems

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Properties of Triangle | Angle Sum Property | Triangle Inequality Prop (2024)


Properties of Triangle | Angle Sum Property | Triangle Inequality Prop? ›

The properties of the triangle are: The sum of all the angles of a triangle (of all types) is equal to 180°. The sum of the length of the two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side. In the same way, the difference between the two sides of a triangle is less than the length of the third side.

What are the 4 types of triangles and their properties? ›

Classifying Triangles
Types of Triangle Based on SidesTypes of Triangles Based on Angles
Equilateral TriangleAcute-Angled Triangle (Acute Triangle)
Isosceles TriangleRight-Angled Triangle (Right Triangle)
Scalene TriangleObtuse-Angled Triangle (Obtuse Triangle)

What is the sum of properties of triangle? ›

The angle sum property of a triangle says that the sum of its interior angles is equal to 180°. Whether a triangle is an acute, obtuse, or a right triangle, the sum of the angles will always be 180°. This can be represented as follows: In a triangle ABC, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°.

What are the properties of triangle inequality modulus? ›

The triangle inequality states that: For any triangle the length of any two sides of the triangle must be equal to or greater than the third side. Sometimes seen as: |X+Y|≤|X|+|Y| The inequality works not only if X and Y are both real numbers (scalars), but also if X and Y are vectors (of the same dimension).

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Formulas of Triangle
Heron's FormulaA = √[s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c)]
Pythagorean TheoremHypotenuse2 = Base2 + Perpendicular2
Law of Sinesa/Sin(A) = b/ Sin(B) = c/Sin(C)
Law of Cosinesc2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab ⋅ cos(C) a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc ⋅ cos(A) b2 = a2 + c2 − 2ac ⋅ cos(B)
3 more rows
Jun 27, 2024

What are the formulas for triangles? ›

The two basic triangle formulas are the area of a triangle and the perimeter of a triangle formula. These triangle formulas can be mathematically expressed as; Area of triangle, A = [(½) base × height] Perimeter of a triangle, P = (a + b + c)

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Conditions for Congruence of Triangles:

SAS (Side-Angle-Side) ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) AAS (Angle-Angle-Side) RHS (Right angle-Hypotenuse-Side)

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The six types of triangles are: isosceles, equilateral, scalene, obtuse, acute, and right. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two congruent sides and one unique side and angle. Ex. An equilateral triangle is a triangle with three congruent sides and three congruent angles.

What is the triangle inequality theorem? ›

triangle inequality, in Euclidean geometry, theorem that the sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than or equal to the third side; in symbols, a + b ≥ c. (In cases where a + b = c, a degenerate triangle is formed in which all three vertices lie on the same line.)

What is the triangle sum rule? ›

The triangle sum theorem (also known as the triangle angle sum theorem or angle sum theorem) states that the sum of the three interior angles of any triangle is always 180 degrees.

What property is the sum? ›

Commutative Property of Addition

When we add two or more numbers, their sum is the same regardless of the order of the addends. We can write this property in the form of A + B = B + A. Therefore, 2+4 is equal to 4 + 2 because both sentences give a sum of 6. This is called Commutative Property of Addition.

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Properties of Inequalities
  • If a, b, and c are real numbers, then:
  • Transitive Property if a<b and b<c then a<c.
  • Addition Property if a<b then a+c<b+c.
  • Subtraction Property if a<b then a−c<b−c.
  • Multiplication Property (Multiplying by a positive number) if a<b and c>0 then ac<bc.
Sep 11, 2021

What are the properties of the four types of triangles? ›

Equilateral Triangle: All the sides are equal and all the three angles equal to 60°. Acute Angled Triangle: A triangle having all its angles less than 90°. Right Angled Triangle: A triangle having one of the three angles exactly 90°. Obtuse Angled Triangle: A triangle having one of the three angles more than 90°.

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The additive property of equality states that if the same amount is added to both sides of an equation, then the equality is still true. The additive property of inequalities states that if the same amount is added to both sides of an inequality, then the inequality is still true.

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A triangle is a polygon with three sides having three vertices. The angle formed inside the triangle is equal to 180 degrees. It means that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180°. It is a polygon having the least number of sides.

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Six Types of Triangles
Based on their SidesBased on their Angles
Scalene TriangleAcute Triangle
Isosceles TriangleObtuse Triangle
Equilateral TriangleRight Triangle

What are the properties of a right triangle Class 7? ›

A right-angled triangle is a type of triangle that has one of its angles equal to 90 degrees. The other two angles sum up to 90 degrees. The sides that include the right angle are perpendicular and the base of the triangle. The third side is called the hypotenuse, which is the longest side of all three sides.

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Pythagoras theorem states that “In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse side is equal to the sum of squares of the other two sides“. The sides of this triangle have been named Perpendicular, Base and Hypotenuse. Here, the hypotenuse is the longest side, as it is opposite to the angle 90°.

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