An extensive air testing sur-! vey in the -Lock Haven area is being conducted by the Air Pollution Division of the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The purpose of this program is to determine thelbe amount of air pollution in this area by the use of special testing instruments and study techniques. The study will also determine whether corrective measures are needed, and if so, what action should be taken. There is no cost tot communities involved for this study. The Williamsport-Lock Haven study will aid in defining local air quality.
Should a be found to exist within the scope of this study, definite steps may then be taken toward its solution. This survey is being conducted under the direction of William A. Lusher, regional air pollution control engineer Region II, in cooperation with local and county officials. Region II air pollution staff selects and operates necessary testing instruments supplied by the division's central office in Harrisburg. Air samples are collected, periodically and data from collected samples is recorded.
Sources of community air pollution are examined, estimates of community contamination levels are made, and recommendations for abatement are issued when necessary. 2-Year Study of Air Pollution at LH, Williamsport to Be Completed in 1969 The Williamsport-Lock Haven study began in the Spring of 1967 and is scheduled to continue until the spring of or a period of about two years. A report of findings will then issued. Various instruments are being used to monitor atmospheric air contaminant levels of this study at forty-two air sampling stations now operating in the Williamsport-Lock Haven are a. There are nine such locations within Lock Haven, and nine in Williamsport, the centers of heaviest population and industry.
There are three air sampling locations in Montoursville, three in South Williamsport, two in Newberry, three in Jersey Shore, two in Avis. The remaining eleven locations are geographically spaced within the study area. Air pollution respects no political boundaries. Air pollution from a single source may traverse municipal lines, township and county lines, and, at times, from one state to another. Evidence shows, however, that air pollution, for the most part, is concentrated in "regional" air basins throughout the nation, and that pollution from one basin seldom affects another basin.
The Pennsylvania Air PolluCommission, with the "air basin" concept in mind, recent-! ly began drafting Regulation which will result in the establishment of a program to control "air basin" air pollution throughout the Commonwealth. The Williamsport-Lock Have area may be considered as such an "air Information and data gathered from this study could enable the Commission to establish limits for particulate and gaseous matter emissions within this area basin, and develop an air pollution alert system for hand- Younger JANICE LYNN WELCH leads a pretty active life. She likes to go to Sunday School, put puzzles together, watch T.V. and answer the telephone, but best of all she loves to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Richner and Mr. and Mrs. Milford Gardner. Mrs. Della Yufer is her great-grandmother.
Janice is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Welch, Blanchard. 72 BLOOMIN' BLOOMERS This beach outfit of pink and white printed surah bloomers with culotte is part of designer Yves Saint-Laurent's 1968 spring-summer collection. Scarf and shoes The Express, Lock Haven, Saturday, February 24, 1968 -Page 5 ling critical air pollution lems which may occur.
There is another reason for such studies. that being, the need to define community and area air pollution problems. The "Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act" provides that it is the responsibility fo the Commonwealth to maintain a readegree of purity of our air resources. The "Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act" defines pollution as "the in the out-door atmosphere of one or more air contaminants in sufficient quantity and of such Service Notes SANDRA K. CROAK, daughter of Mrs.
Sara E. Croak, Lock Haven R.D. 1, completed eight weeks of basic training at Fort McClellan, February 9. Her father is Clair A. Croak, W.
Clinton St. PHILADELPHIA (AP) group of lawyers and laymen have formed an organization called "Philadelphians for Equal Justice" to protect poverty area residents from what they called "illegal intimida-42 tion and arrest of police brutality." The Rev. Rudolph Gelsey, one of the group's founders, said a battery of 35 lawyers had volunteered its vices to assist residents with police problems. Group to Protect Poor from Intimidation Caribbean Territories Agree on Trade Area GEORGETOWN, Guiana (AP) -Caribean leaders after a marathon session agreed on Friday to launch a Caribbean Free Trade Area-CARIFTAembracing 10 English-speaking territoies of the West Indies. A spokesman said the door was left open for Jamaica which has not decided whether to join the pact.
characteristics and duration which is injurious to plant, or animal life, or to property. or which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property." Air pollution in Pennsylvania is the result of the activities of: 1. Over 11 million people (home incinerators, open ing); 2. Over 18.000 manufacestablishments; 3. Over million and trucks; 4.
Several 1 million home and industrial heating plants. Some of the equipment used in the Williamsport-Lock Haven Survey are briefly described as follows: Dust Fall Jar Dust fall Dust Fall Jar (settleable particulate matter) is measured by weighing materials trapped in jars containing water and ethylene glycol, placed in the open at strategic tions. Samples collected monthly are weighted and examined microscopically to determine the amount and nature of air contaminants. There is one dust fall jar at each of the 42 air sampling locations. High Volume Sampler This instrument, enclosed in its own specially built wooded shelter, collects airborne particulate (suspended particles) on an 8" 10" glass fiber filter.
The air, containing suspended dust, is drawn through the filter by a strong electric vacuum motor, somewhat like the motor in a household vacuum sweeper. This air is normally operated continuously for 24 hours. Samples collected are weighed and subjected to laboratory analysis. There are 21 such samplers now operating in the Williamsport-Lock Haven, Survey. Lead Peroxide Candle This is a small glass jar coated with a measured amount of lead peroxide and exposed to the atmosphere.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the atmosphere reacts with the density (blackness) of the spots is an indication of the degree of smoke or "haze" in the atmosphere. Anemometer This instrument will continuously measure and record wind speed and direction. The device runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The information obtained is important when studying the movement and dispersion of air contaminants throughout the sampling area over a specific lead. The "candles" are collected and analyzed to determine the monthly average index of sulfur oxides in the community atmosphere.
There is one lead peroxide candle at each of the air sampling locations. Tape Sampler This piece of equipment is used to qualitatively measure air pollution by drawing air through a filter paper. A spot, one inch in diameter, is produced on the filter paper every two hours. The EDISON. ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATING Gives you exactly the warmth you want, exactly when you want it, exactly where you want it.
And Edison electric baseboard heating is ECONOMICAL. THE units are inexpensive. Installation is easy, quick, and low cost, whether for new construction or existing buildings. There is no expense for duct work, chimneys, trenches or fuel tanks. There are no products of combustion to cause frequent expense of cleaning draperies and furniture.
Because heat is produced only where and when it is wanted, there is no wasted heat to pay for. And, electric heating rates are surprisingly moderate. Whether you are building, enlarging or modernizing your home, ask us for all the facts about how to add comfort and cut costs with Edison electric baseboard heating. Shaffer Electric Inc. POWER LIGHT "25 Years Experience in Electrical Bellefonte R.D.
Service" 2 RECOMMENDED Reddy Phone ELECTRIC Lock Haven HOME DEALER HEATING 748-8844 Tuality products ol ALBION DIVISION, McGRAW-EDISON COMPANY McGRAW? ALBION. MICHIGAN 49224 EDISON period of time. The instrument is located at the Lycoming-Sus-1 quehanna Airport. Wind speed: and direction data will also be provided to the Department through the cooperation of the airports (at the ends of the sampling arca) in Lock Haven! and Montoursville. The Williamsport-Lock Haven Study is a two-year sampling program designed to provide information giving average atmospheric contaminant levels within the survey area.
Data collected will aid in establishing air contaminant levels for various pollutants and will point out problem spots within the sampling area. The Pennsvlvania Air Pollution Commission will determine whether or not the "air basin" type of regulation is necessary for the Greater Williamsport-Lock Haven area, based on the survey data. Organizing and conducting an air quality study of this type; if only one of the concerns of the Region II Air Pollution Division Office. Other activities include investigation of complaints of air pollution; investi-1 gative air sampling; of all coal refuse disposal areas in an eleven county area; evaluation of plans to install or modify combustion units and tion of the installed issuance of "air pollution forecasts" when stagnant weather conditions trap air contaminants close to the ground; conduct the semi-annual pollen sampling program for the Region; conduct industrial process emission inventories; measure pollution from a particular source to determine whether or not Commission regulations are being violated; assist municipal officials in the development of local air pollution control ordinances; and publicly speak on the subject of air pollution to interested groups and organizations throughout the area. Terrific LUCITE Savings at DICKEY-GRUGAN! THE WORK SKIPPERS LUCITE LUCITE LUCITE LUCITE HOUSE PAINT WALL PAINT Contains i its own primer Doesn't drip or run like most paints Lasts longer than ever before Needs no stirring or thinning Clean tools with soap and water Dries in just 30 minutes Gallon Gallon Choice of colors Full line of decorator colors Reg.
8.55 Reg. 7.45 DICKEY GRUGAN HARDWARE 47 Bellefonte Lock Haven I JS Class of 1953 Will Hold 15th Reunion July 27 JERSEY SHORE Plans hve been made for the second reunion of the class of 1953 of Jersey Shore High School. The event will be held Saturday, July 27, at the local Elks club. Planning committee chairman is Neil Klinefelter, of Avis, class president. Registration will be at 5:30 p.m., group picture taking at 6, dinner at 6:30 and dancing begins at 9.
Serving as treasurer is Stanley Rhoades, of Avis, and Mrs. Barbara Ann Long, of Jersey Shore, is reunion secretary. Miss Gayle Bullock is chairman of the corresponding and reunion committee, with the following members: Mrs. Barbara Long, Mrs. Shirley Thomas Greene, Mrs.
Janet it Henry Dunlap and Mrs. Joanne Keohane Hardy, all of Jersey Shore. Other committees are: Mrs. Dale Straub and Mrs. Shirley Thomas Greene, program; Marvin Willits, Linden R.D.
1, prizes; Mrs. Sandra Rayhorn Johnson, Mrs. Hazel Breinging Crammer, Mrs. Phyllis Keiler Moriarity and Mrs. Marion Mille Kreitz, all of Jersey Shore, decorating committee.
Barry Vannauker, of Fairless Hills, will be master of ceremonies. Class members are asked to return the questionnaire by March 2, to the chaiman of the correspondence committee, Miss Gayle Bullock, 231 Glover Jersey Shore. The next meeting will be held March 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Marvin Willits, Linden R.D. 1.
2 Youths Held in Slaying of Student HARRISBURG (AP) Two Harrisburg teenagers were hel over today for the April Dauphin County grand jury on an open charge of murder resulting from the fatal stabbing of suburban Susquehanna Township youngster two weeks ago. Ben David Darden 15, and Charles Douglas Sims, 16, were recommitted without bail to the Dauphin County prison after a preliminary hearing before Harrisburg alderman Joseph Demma. They were charged with the murder of Frank J. Ament, 15, who died from a stab wound suffered in a scuffle outside a city school following a basketball game between John Harris and William Penn high schools. Darden pleaded innocent to the charge while Sims entered no plea.
Ugandan Secretary to Poor to Rob NEW YOR K(AP) ick Isingoma, third secretary in tho Ugandan mission to the "Trited Nations told police a voung Negro held him up in his apartment elevator and demanded $15. "I don't have $15. I'm from a poor country," the diplomat said. "You're a soul brother 'of mine then," the young man said and left the elevator at the next floor. throughout the area.
Lock Haven Trust Co. Offers You Another Super Extra! ERE! Personalized FULL BANK SERVICE CHECKS on All Personal Checking Accounts Your Name and Address Imprinted on All Personal Checks. Offices in Lock Haven and Mill Hall SERVICE IS BUSINESS OUR LOCK HAVEN TRUST CO. insured to $15,000 -FDIC DEPORT INSURANCE CORPORATION.