Evening Express from Portland, Maine (2024)

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Lpqion ftMARKET 99 101 OCEAN STREET Legion Square SO PORT OPEN THURS RI Til 9 PM Sat 'Til 7 PM 69 29' Doz St ull k' 3 Gt 10 Oi Save 36o 1 Lb Pkgs Si 35' 49 USDA CHOICE STEER GROUND CHUCK USDA CHOICE STEER BONELESS CHUCK USDA HEAVY WEST BEE STEAKS TOP ROUND CUBED ROUND ACE RUMP "wv" mr MAINE 24 AND UP UllLIlx MAC APPLES US NO 1 TEXAS CARROTS LARGE LORIDA ORANGES 4 Lb Bag THREE DIAMOND LIGHT MEAT TUNA ISH (REG SUGAR NUT CUT GREEN BEANS NBC CHOC CHIP COOKIES CHIPS AHOY LU OUT ACIAL TISSUES RESH CRISP POTATO CHIPS ub 49e USDA CHOICE STEER LEAN ANCY BRISKET I CORNED BEE 10 2 89c 22rUL39c I STORE COUPON VALID THRU 316 I CAMPBELL'S i TOMATO A tall Q(: SOUP 1JCANSZ7 S'ith This Coupon And Purchase of 15 Or More Milk I Tobacco Beer Excluded One Coupon Per amily ITEMS LIMITED UNPACKAGED MEATS OUR SPECIALTY We take great pride in our RESH UNPACKAGED MEATS All cuts are govt inspected USDA beef hand picked and cut by courteous experienced meat men Come in and try us We know you will be completely satisfied RESH NATIVE COMPLETE QUARTERS I CHICKEN I LEGS I BREASTS USDA CHOICE STEER LONDON BROIL LEAN GOLD COIN SLICED BACON LITTLE LINK PORK SAUSAGES USDA HEAVY WESTERN BEE B'LESS SIRLOIN ROAST 69c 4 89 33c EA SAVE 43c) is xa CHASE INSTANT COEE PERSONAL SIZE Bar 4)Pc IVORY SOAP 4 a 10Q PURE a 25 AA ALUMINUM OIL 4 Bols LUU KRAT CHEESE OOD 4 Lb Qc TASTY LOA Pkg 07 ft if VffP AWWVWZV A 33c 98' 59' 59' 89' Dear Abby Better Safe Than Sorry By Abigail Van Buren DEAR ABBY: I am 21 and my husband is 23 and we re cently bought our own home We also have a small baby Ad joining It Is a two room effi ciency apartment that we rent out to a 41 year old bachelor He is nice and polite and all but here is my problem: Last month I found out that this man has a suitcase full of girlie type movies a projec tor and screen I am sorry to admit it but I snooped around in his apartment when I went in to close his windows on a rainy day Anyway my company is sending him away for four months to take a course and afraid this man might try something knowing my husband will be gone I know that a man who looks at these movies necessarily a sex fiend but worried any way My husband says if he IX BROKEN DENTURES AT HOME IN MINUTES Amating new Quik ix repair! broken' phte fills in cracka and replaces teeth like hew ast! Easy to use! No special tools needed No costly dental bills Workseverytimeoryourmoney back 5 Accept no substitutes always ask for QUIK Dantura Rapair Kit IX At All Drug Stores tried anything sq far he probably This man has never given us ahy trouble' quiet keeps his place clean and pays his rent promptly He has no lease so wondering if we should get rid of him or not? you tell me to get rid of him what excuse shall I use? WORRIED DEAR WORRIED: Regard less of what I think if you are about this man get rid of him give him an give him a reason The real one He may be glad to leave DEAR ABBY: Two months ago my husband received a birthday card from his secre tary who thinks he is just won derful He has been carrying that card around in his pocket ever since he got it He changes it from one suit coat pocket to the next whenever he changes his suit Now why would a man want to carry around an ordinary birthday card everywhere he goes? Why he throw it away like the others he re ceived? This one he show me Why? PUZZLED DEAR PUZZLED: If he did show it to you perhaps it Why you clear up the big mystery and ask him? Dear ABBY: I am a widow with two daughters One is married and llvej 700 miles away and trie other call her is 16 and lives with me Mary and I have al ways had an ideal relationship sweet pretty a good stu dent and never given me a moment's worry About six months ago an eld erly cousin of mine told Mary that I had had an Illegitimate child when I was 17 and now Mary forgive my sin She says our relationship has been a inasmuch as she thought I was as I always wanted her to be When I try to tell her that I made' a mistake for which I have dear ly paid she walks into her room and closes the door Mary attends church regular ly is a candy striper at the local hospital and she goes with nice people every thing a mother would want her daughter to be But now she wants to go live with her mar ried sister and finish school there She wants nothing from me except to be left alone How can I get through tj her Abby? I am dying of a broken heart A MOTHER DEAR MOTHER: In time of course your immature daught er will grow up and realize that her cruel and unforgiving atti tude is also in a Perhaps (if you wish to confide in him) your pastor can get through to Mary Or I will be glad to write to her directly if send me her name and address NE aces No Immediate lood Danger WINDSOR LOCKS Conn (AP) New England is in no immedi ate danger of floods but a heavy rain storm could change the picture the River ore cast Center said Wednesday A rainfall of one to two inches could cause the Housatonic Riv er in Connecticut and the Mer rimack River in New Hampshire and Massachusetts to reach flood stage the center said It would take a two to three inch rainfall to bring flood stages on the Connecticut River the Charles in Massachusetts and the Kennebec and Andro in Maine snowmelt has not yet begun and river flows are gen erally below normal for this time of year due to an extreme ly dry the center said in the first of a series of regional reports on flood poten tial storm that dumped rain on southern New England and snow on northern New Eng land did not produce much run off except in southern Connecti cut Rhode Island and coastal Massachusetts the center feaid or Half Sizes PRINTED PATTERN 4579 SIZES 122 I I li I 'I' I WA I I fl oV 1 I EJ 'T TH I KSv jjX a il Mr 1 1 iVI 1 this the moment to sew something new smart differ ent? Choose the coatdress with buttons that dash down on a diagonal Easy sew for spring Printed Pattern 4579: NEW Half Sizes 12 14 16 18 20 22 Size 14 (bust 37) takes 3 yds 39 in Sixty five cents in coins for each pattern add 15 cents for each pattern for first class mailing and special handling Send to Anne Adams care of Portland Evening Express 144 Pattern Dept 243 West 17th St New York 10011 Print name address with zip size and style 'number new look is soft pretty feminine! Make it your look choose from over 100 styles in our new Spring Summer Pattern Catalog Get one pat tern free clip coupon in Catalog Send 50 cents ITAIY WBKIY CYPRUS ALGERIA LIBYA (UAR) NIGER CHAD SUDAN ETHIOPIA DAHOMEY TANZANIA Milei wiping out smallpox The disease SMALLPOX BATTLEGROUND Atlantic Ocean SAUDI A8ABIA SOMALI REPUBIK CABINDA (Angola) MCEN7RAf5l TtfPICAN PER UGANDA LVkforia MOROCCO SPANISH SAHARA SPAIN TUNISIA THE CONGOSVbuRUNdTxNYA NIGERIAfJ ANGOIA I (ZAMBIA MOZAMBIQUE i ll SIERRA LEONE ICHANA IIBERIA i TOGO RIO MUN IVORY COAST GABOnA CONGO REPUBLIC 0 SOO ARICA X'JT Portland Me Evening Express Thursday March (4 1968 21 Mediator Tries To Renew Glass Industry PHILADELPHIA ed eral Mediator William Rose sought today to renew negotia tions on the 43 day strike in the glass container industry as bot tle shortages hampered numer ous Industries and threatened to cut liquor production to a trickle The talks broke off Wednes day when officials of the Glass Container Manufacturers Insti tute Inc rejected as "totally a proposed con tract by the Glass Bottle Blow ers Association (AL CIO) Rose said the employer group did not "come up with a coun ter and no further meetings were scheduled Thomas Rimer Jr labor relations director of the employ er group said the new est demands would put the manufacturers in an competitive with other firms in the packaging field The union demanded a 20 cents an hour general increase the first year with a 20 cent differential for skilled employes The employers offered a 17 Strike Talk a mutually agreeable cost living clause The union wanted a 5 per cent Increase the third year compared to a manufac turers' offer of 3 per cent The average hourly rate un der the old contract before tha eb 1 walkout was The strike shut down 86 glass container plants which produce about 95 per cent of the glass containers made in the nation It idled a total of about 50000 workers and caused layoffs in the soft drink dairy beer and pharmaceutical Industries Martin Lewin vice president of the James Beam Distilling Co Chicago which bottles eight different whiskey brands said the firm will be ly out of if the strike is not settled in the next to four days and 400 employes wtll be laid off at the bottling plant at Clermont Ky liquor company is in tne same coat Lewin saia The DJ Distilling Co Ltd Linden NJ which bottles Gor don's gin and vodka shut down one week ago because of a lack Shaded area of West Africa Is the locale for a war waged by 46 Ameri cans aided by 5000 Africans aimed at claims more than 6000 lives a year in that region (AP) cent increase and a 10 cent dif of bottles Idling 270 employes ferentlal i The union demanded a 12 Chicago grew from 300 pop per cent increase compared to ulation to 400000 In the 40 an employer offer of 4 per cent the second year in addition to years between 1840 and 1880 a record historians tell us Dairy Bar) Uncle Bakery) bia Ghana Ivory Coast Mall Mauritania Niger Nigeria Senegal Togo Upper Volta Guinea Liberia and Sierra Le onel Smallpox claims more than 6000 lives a year in the region Its victims are said to be cursed by evil spirits and are banished from their villages and left in the bush to die in shame But on the border of Togo and possible by development of a jet gun which sprays? vaccine through the skin at 1300 pounds per square inch The hydraulic powered gun operated by a foot pedal can vaccinate more than 1000 persons each hour The old scratch method wasted vaccine and could handle only 100 vacci nations an hour By JACK STILLMAN Associated Press Writer ATLANTA Ga (AP) or ty six 15 of them are waging a war aimed at wiping out smallpox in West Africa They have trained 6000 Afri cans to help them And the National Communica ble Disease where the MAINE EGG ARMS SPECIAL Extra Large BROWN EGGS 44c Doz BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS AND SAVE MONEY I Small Army Wages War On Smallpox In Africa MAINE EGG ARMS 985 orest Ave Portland (Near 173 Ocean St So Portland (Near 7 Bridge Street next to Store Westbrook STORE HOURS 9:00 to 5:30 TUES WED SAT 9:00 to 7:30 THURS AND RI CLOSED MONDAY campaign is being says smallpox in theregion will be eradicated by 1975? Dr Donald Millar a 34 year old medical doctor from New port News Va heads the pro gram which has been under way for little more than a year Why Is the United States spending $7 million a year to try to wipe out smallpox in Africa? Millar says there is a selfish reason In one respect In that the United States has not had a single case of smallpox since 1949 and it want any The African nations involved in the Inoculation program are among three areas of the world considered principal sources of the disease The others are In dia and portions of the ar East The smallnox program has been conducted on a regional basis among the 19 countries with the help of the United States Countries participating are Cameroon Central African Re public Chad Congo (Brazza ville) Dahomey Gabon Gam Dahomey there are tribes that worship smallpox They have a smallpox goddess known by sev eral names such as Sorponna or Shopona Millar who travels to Africa periodically said this has re sulted in three major problems People in this region natur ally resist vaccination Is a tendency to hide outbreaks of smallpox making it difficult to determine where to send the medical teams It results in propaga tion of the disease through rit uals are looking Into the an thropology of these people to see if we can find some way to ap proach Millar said this Is the only cultural barrier we have found People quite openly accept any kind of help program that is delivered to them by the government speaking when you have a tribal system and an unsophisticated people most of the time you just have to make the service The program has been made A COMMUNITY NEEDS A NEWSPAPER Parents Ask Community Program Helps Disadvantaged Children New Haven has something rather special of which justly proud If any of you would like to have the same thing in your own cities or if any New Haveners would like to join or assist our own effort let me know and give you any details you need Back In the spring of 1965 Dr George Witt a clinical psychol ogist decided to invest his time and savings In 16 young Negro children HIS EELING was that the many differences commonly ob served between advantaged and disadvantaged children can to a very large extent be overcome even as late as preadolescence by introducing a variety of the most favorable elements of en lightened child rearing and growth supporting practices He also felt very strongly that the short term and partial kinds of help provided by perhaps the majority of habilitation or re habilitation programs tend to be too specific and impersonal to be generally helpful in the long run HIS APPROACH was rather different from ony program for the underprivileged of which I know To begin with on the basis of some rather special tests (The Minnesota Tests of Creativity) he selected 16 crea tively talented boys and girls from 2nd 3rd and 4th grade classes of one of our Inner city schools All 16 families involved agreed to send their children to a sum mer activities program Skilled volunteers from the community supervised and encouraged ac tivities in music art sports dancing drama writing Dr Witt was always on hand to help individuals and groups of chil dren resolve the Innumerable conflicts experienced by tearful pessimistic unskilled children as they one by one began to realize their higher potential THEN CAME ALL that crucial time when so many sum mer programs fall apart Not this one Every afternoon from 3:30 to 6:00 pm In a church which volunteered its space the Children continued their activi ties with Individual library projects creative mathematics and chess added The program continued get ting better and better and arous ing more and more community enthusiasm and volunteer par ticipation in the summer of '66 and the winters of '66 and 67 Ana in tnis secona winter a very vital element was added to this lively exciting and certainly 100 per cent worthwhile effort to give underprivileged children the kinds of after school experi ence which so many middle class children are lucky enough to take for granted This addition to the original LEAP (Life Enrichment Activi ties Is called the amily Enrichment Program Something about this tomorrow Shriver Given Degree By BU BOSTON An honorary doctorate of humane letters has been conferred by Boston Uni versity on Sargent Shriver di rector of the Office of Econom ic Opportunity University President Arland Christ Janker in making the presentation Wednesday said Shriver has been determined pursue a career in profit but for profiting Shriver told a convocation that the war on poverty is not dead and cited a $200 million appropriation for it that Con gress passed Tuesday think it would be worth while for all of us today to take a pledge that when the war in Vietnam is over that we will take the money that spending out there and spend it on human resources on human beings especially the poor here at he said Shriver said many persons who say the nation cannot af ford both the war in Vietnam and the war on poverty against the war on poverty be fore there was a war In Viet and will be it after the war Is Shriver said he would leave today for Europe to receive a John Kennedy Memorial Award from the Institute for American Studies in Spain He said the trip had nothing to do with reports he will be come next ambassador to rance He declined to com ment specifically on those re ports I Take a long look at newspapers and their place in the community with Lynn Townsend chief executive officer of the Chrysler? Corporation This is his evaluation: "We are in a position to know that in troubled times like these a community heeds a newspaper more than ever People need to know what other people are doing and thinking They need facts and they need discussion of the main issues of the day They need newspapers to bring the life of their community into focus and give it identity and purpose" This is his comment on newspaper advertising: "We are going to need newspaper advertising to keep our sales moving up to the higher levels that we are going to achieve in the years ahead No other medium can keep car buyers so well informed about current motoring values" rom a talk given at annual meeting of Inland Daily Press Association In Chicago PRESS HERALD EVENING EXPRESS.

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Evening Express from Portland, Maine (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.