Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Reviews – Does It Really Work? (2024)

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is an organic supplement that is a prebiotic, probiotic, and postbiotic all rolled into one. This supplement improves digestive health by diversifying gut microbiota and supporting healthy bowel movements. This Gundry Bio Complete 3 review will help you to learn more about this product.

Bio Complete 3 can eliminate uncomfortable symptoms like constipation, gas, diarrhea, and bloating. Bio Complete 3 also has weight loss properties, as it prevents cravings for junk food and may suppress appetite. It also provides additional physical energy.

About 70% of your immune system resides in your gut (source), so taking care of your gut is absolutely key for your overall health.

Do these ingredients actually work, or are they simply marketing claims? Furthermore, what valuable insights can be derived from the ratings and descriptions provided by users regarding the actual effects of this supplement?

In this article, we’ll provide you with a clinical analysis of each ingredient present in Bio Complete 3. This Bio Complete 3 Real Reviews could be a helpful answer for those who have “Gut Sickness”.

Bio Complete 3 is a dietary supplement that combines prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics to support gut health and digestion. It aims to improve the balance of good bacteria in the gut, aiding in better nutrient absorption and overall wellness. The formula has no allergens like gluten, soy, or dairy in Bio Complete 3. It is both vegetarian-friendly and vegan-friendly, making it suitable for individuals with various dietary preferences and restrictions.

Overall Rating: 4.8

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Reviews – Does It Really Work? (1)Bio Complete 3 Dietary Supplement

Brand Highlights

  • The manufacturer of Bio Complete 3 is a company called Gundry MD, located in Beverly Hills, California.
  • A physician named Dr. Stephen Gundry founded the organization in 2002 after ten years studying the microbiome in his center for restorative medicine.
  • The company produces organic products that support health, well-being, immunity, and gut health.

Key Ingredients

  • Tributyrin as CoreBiome (1000 mg)
  • SunFiber (200 mg)
  • Bacillus Coagulans (16 mg)


  • Bio Complete 3 may support digestive health.
  • It can encourage healthier bowel movements.
  • Bio Complete 3 could provide extra energy.
  • The product might reduce cravings for junk food.
  • Bio Complete 3 could help with weight loss.


  • Bio Complete 3 is an expensive supplement.
  • Serving size is 4 large capsules per day.
  • It takes about 4 weeks for full results.

About The Brand

Gundry MD is the brand behind Bio Complete 3, known for its focus on creating supplements for gut health and overall well-being. Dr. Steven Gundry, a renowned heart surgeon and author, founded the company with a mission to offer effective and science-backed solutions for better health. The brand uses natural and science-backed ingredients. Their formula is tested for quality at an independent, 3rd-party facility. To ensure customer satisfaction, Gundry MD also offers a 90 days money back guarantee.

How Does Bio Complete 3 Work?

In addition to having a strong probiotic, which helps diversify gut bacteria, as its main ingredient, Bio Complete 3 also contains fiber. Fiber feeds good bacteria, in the gut and helps support overall digestive health. An article in Current Developments in Nutrition looked at the health effects of prebiotic dietary fiber and found that fiber helps ease gut symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, and gas.[1]

Postbiotics are a relatively new term to consumers over the last ten to fifteen years. An article in the International Journal of Molecular Sciencediscussed the potential applications of postbiotics in early-life nutrition.[2]

These ingredients can also help support healthy bowel movements. In addition, cleansing the digestive system can lead to greater energy levels.

You can BUY it directly from the Official Website

Bio Complete 3 Ingredients – Are They Safe and Effective?

We have reviewed and researched each element of this product. Ingredients play a vital role in the effectiveness of every product. Here, in this Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Reviews, we have provided evidence-based information about every ingredient.

Here are the primary active Bio Complete 3 ingredients:

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Reviews – Does It Really Work? (6)

Bio Complete 3 Supplement Facts

Tributyrin as CoreBiome (1000 mg)

Tributyrin is a group of short-chain fatty acids that are considered postbiotics. Postbiotics are molecules produced by good gut bacteria that help improve the digestive process and support digestive health. Corebiome is tributyrin, containing butyrate which can modify gut flora and improve colon health.

A study on piglets inClinical Nutritionfound that tributyrin improves digestion.[3]

Postbiotics have been found to positively influence the effects of probiotics. They can also help deliver the end product of healthy gut molecules directly to the intestines and can increase shelf life of probiotics.

An renowned researcher’s extensive study on Effects of probiotics on gut microbiota, suggests that the potential of probiotics to reinstate gut microbiome composition and instill advantageous roles within microbial communities offers promise for alleviating or averting gut inflammation and other manifestations of intestinal or systemic diseases. As both preventive and therapeutic strategies, probiotics hold the potential to reinstate the natural composition and functionality of the gut microbiome, promoting health.~ By Pamela Mason

SunFiber (200 mg)

SunFiber is a prebiotic and a postbiotic that can feed good gut bacteria, balance gut microflora, and enhance digestive health. SunFiber is a bean fiber, derived from the guar bean, and is sometimes called guar gum. It can also suppress the appetite, which helps with weight loss, and improve mineral absorption.

An article in theJournal of Food Science in Technologyexamined the properties and applications of guar gum. [4].

Bacillus Coagulans (16 mg)

Bacillus Coagulans is a lactic-acid producing probiotic and is considered a healthy bacteria. It lines the walls of the intestines with good bacteria and helps balance the gut microbes. It can ease digestive symptoms like bloating, stomach upset, and diarrhea.

An article published in theJournal of Functional Foodsdiscussed the probiotic characteristics of this strain and its implications for human health and disease. [5]

In addition, Bacillus Coagulans has been shown to survive high heat and acidity levels. These incredible findings give Bacillus Coagulans a greater chance of reaching the small intestine alive, which directly impacts gut flora diversification.

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 – Benefits, Side Effects and Safety

Benefits of Bio Complete 3

  • Supports gut health and digestion:
    Bio Complete 3 is formulated to nourish and strengthen the gut lining. This promotes a healthy digestive system. The prebiotic ingredients act as fuel for the beneficial gut bacteria, allowing them to thrive and aid in breaking down food more efficiently. This can lead to improved digestion, reduced discomfort like bloating, and smoother bowel movements.
  • Enhances nutrient absorption:
    A balanced and healthy gut environment, fostered by Bio Complete 3, can improve the absorption of essential nutrients from the food you consume. When the digestive system is functioning optimally, your body can extract and utilize more vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds, contributing to better overall nourishment and energy levels.
  • Balances gut bacteria:
    Bio Complete 3 contains a blend of probiotics, which are live beneficial bacteria that help maintain a balanced gut microbiome. These good bacteria can help regulate the growth of harmful bacteria, promoting a harmonious gut ecosystem. A balanced gut microbiome is associated with improved digestion, a stronger immune system, and better overall health.
  • Boosts overall wellness:
    By supporting gut health and promoting a balanced gut microbiome, Bio Complete 3 can have a positive impact on various aspects of your well-being. A healthy gut has been linked to improved mood, better cognitive function, enhanced immune response, and even weight management. By nourishing your gut, Bio Complete 3 aims to contribute to your overall wellness, vitality, and quality of life.

Potential Side Effects

  • Generally safe for most individuals
  • May cause mild digestive discomfort in some users


Here are some safety measures to consider while taking Bio Complete 3:

  • Follow dosage instructions
  • Start with a lower dose
  • Consult your healthcare provide
  • Check expiration dates

SEE ALSOEnzymeMD Reviews and Morning Complete Reviews

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 – FAQ’s

Q: How To Take Bio Complete 3?

A: The recommended dosage is 2 capsules taken twice daily before a meal. Do not take more than the suggested dosage under any circ*mstances.

Q: How Much is Bio Complete 3?

A: You can buy Bio Complete 3 on the manufacturer’s official website, Walmart, and Amazon. The prices on the official site are as follows:

  • 1 Bottle – $49.95
  • 3 Bottles – $134.85
  • 6 Bottles – $254.70

You can BUY it directly from the Official Website

Q: What is Bio Complete 3’s Return Policy?

A: The manufacturer is offering a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the product, call the customer service number and let them know. Then send the item back within 90 days of the original purchase date. Your refund will be minus the shipping charges.

Q: Who should take Bio Complete 3?

A: Gundry Bio Complete 3 can be taken by anyone 18 years or older. Children, pregnant and nursing women, or anyone with other medical conditions should consult their physician before starting this supplement.

Q: What happens when you take Bio Complete 3 daily?

A: Bio Complete 3 is a dietary supplement that contains a blend of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics. Regular intake of Bio Complete 3 can help with gut health, boost immunity against bad bacteria, lower inflammation, support weight loss, enhance skin health, and improve mood by lowering anxiety and depression. However, if you are suffering from any medical condition, consultation with an healthcare expert is advised.

Q: Is Bio Complete 3 FDA-approved?

A: No. Gundry Bio Complete 3 is not FDA-approved. However, the supplement does have organic and safe ingredients, which make this supplement effective and trustworthy.

Q: Does Bio Complete 3 Offer a Free Trial?

A: No, there is no free trial offer for this product or any of the Gundry MD items. In addition, there is no subscription or auto-shipment service. Every time you buy on their website, you make a one-time purchase.

Q: Does Bio Complete 3 Help You Lose Weight?

A: The manufacturer claims that Bio Complete 3 can lead to weight loss. It flushes out the digestive system, which decreases bloating and can certainly get rid of water weight. In addition, it includes fiber, which can help suppress hunger.

Bio Complete 3 | Gundry MD (Video Credit: YouTube)

Q: What Do the Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Reviews Say?

A: Most Bio Complete 3 reviews are positive. People said it eased their digestion and relieved unpleasant symptoms like diarrhea and constipation.

Many users did say that it helped them with weight loss. Others mentioned increased energy after taking Bio Complete 3.

Q: What Are the Bio Complete 3 Side Effects?

A: As long as you take this supplement at the correct dosage, you should not have any side effects. You should drink at least 1-2 liters of water daily when taking Bio Complete 3. The other ingredients in this supplement are quite safe.

Q: Could you take Multivitamins while taking Bio Complete 3?

A: No interactions were found between multivitamins with minerals and Probiotic Formula. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.

In fact, according to gut health expert and gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz, M.D., MSCI, “There is some evidence that when probiotics are consumed with omega-3 fatty acids, it may improve the delivery of the probiotic.[6]

NOTE: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.

Q: Is Bio Complete 3 Legit?

A: Bio Complete 3 is a legit probiotic supplement. Most of Bio Complete 3’s components are considered safe and may also be found in other probiotics and nutritional supplements. However, the combination of Bio Complete 3 ingredients is unique.

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Q: Does Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Work?

A: As per the Md Bio Complete 3 Reviews, it is a nutritional supplement that claims to help with digestion, energy, and weight management.
Bio Complete 3 has a unique 3-pronged blend of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics that work together to help gut health.

As mentioned previously, most consumers who take Bio Complete 3 have had positive effects and report decreased gut problems.

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Review (Video Credit: YouTube)

Q: How Many Pills are in a Bottle of Bio Complete 3?

A: Bio Complete 3 comes in a bottle with 120 capsules, which is a thirty-day supply.

Q: Is Bio Complete 3 Any Good?

A: Bio Complete 3 ingredients are all organic substances that are safe and effective. The reviews on Bio Complete 3 confirm that this is a product that does what it says it will do.

Q: Is Bio Complete 3 Safe?

A: Yes, Bio Complete 3 is a perfectly safe supplement made of organic ingredients. No artificial or chemical substances are included, and the product is not associated with harmful side effects.

Q: Does Bio Complete 3 Contain Gluten?

A: No, it does not. This is a completely organic, soluble fiber product that is free of gluten. It’s suitable for anyone with gluten intolerance.

Q: Is Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Quality Checked?

A: Bio Complete 3 contains natural and safe ingredients. The formula is tested for quality and purity at an independent, third-party facility.

  • Address: Gundry MD
    9465 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300
    Beverly Hills, CA 90212
  • Contact No: (800) 852-0477
  • Hours: Monday – Friday: 6:00 am to 5:00 pm PST & Saturday – Sunday: 6:00 am to 4:00 pm PST
  • Email:

Bio Complete 3 Vs Total Restore

ComparisonBio Complete 3Total Restore

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Reviews – Does It Really Work? (7)

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Reviews – Does It Really Work? (8)

Product DescriptionGundry Md Bio Complete 3 is a three-pronged combination of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics that work together to give your gut a major boost.Gundry MD Total Restore is formulated to help your body fight Bloating, digestive issues, unpleasant gas, tiredness, excessive body weight. Even hard-to-control “junk” cravings are all tackled by Total Restore.
IngredientsTributyrin (as CoreBiome™), Sunfiber®, Bacillus Coagulans (ProDURA®), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Silica, and Magnesium StearateL-Glutamine, N-Acetyl- D-Glucosamine, Magnesium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, Grape Seed Extract, Licorice Roots Powder, Wormwood Powder, Cinnamon Bark Powder, Maitake Mushroom Extract, Organic Strawberry, Organic Raspberry, Organic Blueberry, Organic Tart Cherry, Organic Elderberry, and Organic Cranberry, Cloves Buds Powder, and Black Pepper Seeds Power
Use Of
  • A slimmer waistline
  • Smoother digestion
  • Easier, more regular bathroom visits
  • Reduced cravings for unhealthy “junk foods”
  • And even more energy
  • Easy, regular, comfortable digestion
  • A flatter stomach and healthy body weight
  • More comfortable, mobile joints
  • Youthful energy and improved mood
DiagnosisBio Complete 3 is a great way to start if you think you could have intestinal dysbiosis. It can help you balance the flora in your stomach when combined with a healthy diet, which may help with IBS and related problems.

*Every individual is unique. As such, your results may vary.

You may choose to start with Total Restore if you know the real cause of your gut symptoms is a damaged gut lining (rather than dysbiosis).

*Every individual is unique. As such, your results may vary.

ALSO READGundry MD and GutMD

Bio Complete 3 Real Reviews by Customer

We found several consumer reports and reviews on bio complete 3 to see what people have to say about this digestive health supplement.

Great results!

I have become much more regular in terms of my bowel movements! So great! ~ By Marsha Connor

Going Strong

I have to admit that years ago, I tried Gundry MD probiotics products from Walmart for a short time when I thought I needed them; I read some Bio Complete 3 reviews about their experiences before taking them. It’s a completely different experience after taking these. I feel so much better in that more energy and more alert, and I started to lose weight too, and yes, it changed my stool to become what I think is normal now. I love the weight loss …. I feel boosted now I try to take one a day, I know you wanted me to take four a day, so now that I am doing so good, I may try to get up to 4 a day. I can see how it would make me boosted. It seems to be a great product, I am telling my friends about it. ~ By Dale Perry


My bloating has gone down a lot, regular bathroom activity, and I’m not craving sweets like before! You have to drink water regularly with bio complete, and that’s a plus. I honestly see a huge difference! Thank you for creating such a wonderful product. ~ By Melissa Davis

Bio Complete 3 Alternatives

Bio Complete 3 is a unique formula with natural and safe ingredients that has no or little side effects.
If for some reason you are looking for another supplement in place of Bio Complete 3, we have recommended some comparable products below-

  • Morning Complete
  • Total Restore
  • Multi GI 5

You can also opt for these dietary supplements to support a regular digestive system, daily energy levels, and overall wellness.

Bio Complete 3 Review – Conclusion

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is a natural product that supports overall digestive health. It is a prebiotic, probiotic, and postbiotic combined, and it can ease digestive symptoms like bloating, gas, and inconsistent bowel movements. Bio Complete 3 can also be used as a weight loss adjunct by helping to reduce cravings.

The majority of bio complete 3 reviews have positive comments about this supplement. Users said it got rid of digestive symptoms, gave them a lot of extra energy, and helped them eat less and lose weight. There were a few complaints, mostly from users who had side effects using the product. There are certainly pros and cons of Bio Complete 3.

This product is organically-made by Gundry MD, a reputable and well-liked organization that produces supplements. Bio Complete 3 is physician-designed for complete health and wellness support.

Where To Find Gundry Md Bio Complete 3?

You can BUY it directly from the Official Website

Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Reviews – Does It Really Work? (2024)


What are the negative side effects of Bio Complete 3? ›

Some common side effects you may experience with Bio Complete 3 or any probiotic or fiber supplement include:
  • Passing gas more often.
  • Bloating.
  • Indigestion or mildly upset stomach.
  • Loose stool.
Jan 2, 2024

How long does it take for Bio 3 to work? ›

Works as described! I could tell a difference within 24-36 hours.

What does Bio Complete 3 do for the body? ›

Bio Complete 3 from Gundry MD is a comprehensive gut health supplement that combines prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. The formula aims to help support your digestive system, promote weight management, enhance energy levels, and reduce unhealthy food cravings.

What is the best probiotic for weight loss? ›

Ritual Synbiotic+ tops our list for best probiotic for weight loss overall. Ritual takes a comprehensive approach with their 3-in-1 supplement that includes prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics for total gut health. It's vegan friendly, gluten-free, third-party tested, and requires no refrigeration.

Who should not take probiotics? ›

There's a small risk of adverse side effects for people with weaker immune systems. This includes people taking immunosuppressant drugs, people with critical illnesses and infants who've been born prematurely. The risk is that a probiotic product might contain a harmful type of microbe along with the helpful types.

Do butyrate supplements really work? ›

Relieve gastrointestinal conditions

A sodium butyrate supplement may help with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis and Crohn's disease. In one study, 66 adults with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who took a daily dose of sodium butyrate reported less abdominal pain.

Why did Dr. Gundry leave Loma Linda? ›

I learned what nutrients were deficient in the American Diet, and which of our “staple” foods were actually toxic to the human body. So, in 2002, I abruptly left my position at Loma Linda and founded my own practice at the International Heart & Lung Institute.

What is the best probiotic? ›

Best overall

One capsule of Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotic has 10 billion CFUs of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, a probiotic strain that may benefit a number of health conditions, such as diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Who created Bio Complete 3? ›

Dr. Gundry, the founder of Gundry MD, advises users to maintain a consistent intake of Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 for at least three months to fully appreciate its potential and achieve optimal outcomes.

Can I take Bio Complete 3 with Total Restore? ›

All our formulas are designed to work harmoniously and can be taken together.

Can you lose weight on Bio Complete 3? ›

A: Bio Complete 3 can aid in weight control as part of a comprehensive approach to health. It helps reduce bloating, improves digestive health, and curbs unhealthy cravings, which can contribute to weight loss.

What are the side effects of Gundry Bio Complete 3? ›

However, several users have reported experiencing various mild side effects. These signs include diarrhea, bloating, and gas. Always consult with your doctor before taking Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 or similar products.

Can I take apple cider vinegar and probiotics together? ›

Can I Take ACV and Probiotics Together? You can take ACV and probiotics together without harm. But be careful not to take an excessive amount of probiotics because it can still cause uncomfortable symptoms like gas, bloating, and an upset stomach.

Are there any negative side effects to taking probiotics? ›

Possible harmful effects of probiotics include infections, production of harmful substances by the probiotic microorganisms, and transfer of antibiotic resistance genes from probiotic microorganisms to other microorganisms in the digestive tract.

What are the side effects of bio D3? ›

In some cases, Bio-D3 Capsule can cause side effects like constipation or stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, mood changes, weakness, tiredness, fast or pounding heartbeat, bone/muscle pain, and headache.

What are the effects of Bio 3? ›

This preparation presents a notable purgative action, very effective to regulate the intestinal function and to remove from the body fat and toxins , which can be harmful to the body. It also shows a powerful laxative action.

What are the side effects of drinking kefir? ›

Side effects might include bloating, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. These symptoms usually go away after continued use. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if kefir is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.